It absolutely is and the people who shoot at others for showing up on their property are 100% paranoid assholes watching too much Fox News. Hell, you can even legally camp on private property as long as you're not within view of the house. I don't suggest doing that, on account of the crazies.
I think it's super annoying how cops handle weapons in incredibly irresponsible ways. You shouldn't be be walking around with your pistol drawn, you only pull it out if you're going to immediately use it. The reason why is exactly what happened. Handling your gun unnecessarily will increase the number of negligent discharges, because of course it will. Aside from needless property damage, more negligent discharges mean more innocent people get shot for no reason.
He died from a MRSA infection, which can and does kill people at any stage of life. That shit is everywhere, but whether you get sick or not is kinda a crap shoot.
Mint is aimed at normies. The fewer barriers to entry, the better. If you give users the option for a "clean" install there will be people who select it, not knowing what they're doing, and then end up with a borderline non-functional computer as far as they're concerned. To put it another way, they expect it to have stuff pre-installed. Finally, what counts as essentials and what counts as bloat? Text editor? Media player? Photo viewer? Internet browser?
That being said, I understand why you might not like getting extra programs you didn't ask for. Luckily, they're very easy to uninstall and forget about.
NBA 2K has had ads in it for a while, though I can't remember if they're specifically in the loading screen or not.
Nah. You have to do it right, that's all. Everyone mudt show up in plate armor open carrying fighting rifles. This is what the right has done, and more importantly it also has worked for the left (see: protecting drag queens from right wing protests). You don't instigate shit. Just stand there. If you're heavily armed, out in the open, and peaceful, the cops and counter protests can't make up an excuse to start shit, and they are extremely unmotivated to do so.
It really is these types of features that make me question how the world works. Why are programmers in such high demand as to command massive salaries, but then also have time to produce things like this?
Nah, they'll sell. It would be foolish for them to admit it publicly, that would drive down the price. They'd also lose influence in the American media landscape if they killed TikTok. Finally, they're fighting this law in the courts, and admitting they'd sell if forced too would be weakening their position. It's not like selling would really hamper CCP control all that much, they'd just send texts to people's personal phones when they need something instead of sending official emails.
Yes, we all know Biden was super excited about Dobs. -_-
They're requiring an unnecessary new piece of hardware in order to force more computer sales. Exactly why Microsoft is interested in forcing more hardware sales, I'm not entirely sure. The hardware in question is some kind of encryption thingy, but it doesn't offer any real benefits beyond just changing where the fundamental layer of trust is for the encryption in your computer.
As a responsible gun owner: they can and should take his guns away. There's multiple felonies he can be charged with and he'll almost certainly be convicted of at least one.