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[–] 9 points 4 months ago (1 children)

The obvious one is buying drugs. I don't feel like arguing the morality of doing that but anonymous money is definitely useful for that.

[–] 4 points 7 months ago
  1. Light = energy, shorter wavelengths= higher energy. Blue light has a shorter wavelength than red light. UV has even more energy. X-Rays have a lot more energy. For reference in the visible spectrum were talking about maybe 1-4 eV (this may be wrong, I'm too drunk to look it up rn).

  2. If we want to produce light, the aim is to find an energy gap that has the exact energy gap that corresponds to the wavelength we're interested in. Typically this corresponds to an electronic transition, i.e. an electron "jumps" into a higher orbital, on its way down it will emit the energy difference as light.

2.1 X-Rays rn are produced by accelerating electrons onto a metal plate with high voltage. The impact of the electron "rips" out an electron in the close vicinity of the nucleus. Another electron will take the place of that electron, the energy gap associated with that process is large, which is why it produces X-Rays.

  1. If we want to produce LEDs that emit in the far UV range we have to find large energy gaps in materials which is difficult. We still have to have a way to get the electron across the energy gap using electricity.

  2. X-Ray LEDs are probably not realistic, as the energy of x-rays is so large that we have to rip out electrons from the close vicinity of the nucleus... which is already what we're doing with X-ray tubes.

[–] 2 points 7 months ago

I can't speak for everyone but I used to say "I can't drop windows because I need XYZ programs all the time".

Well turns out I don't, and turns out it's surprisingly easy to tell my employer (well my professor really, I am a PhD student) "Sorry I can't run that program, I don't have windows". If they don't accept it, they can supply me with a windows PC.

[–] 2 points 7 months ago

Maybe you can't but I definitely can, flawlessly. Only thing is once I close a game I have to restart the scream.

[–] 9 points 7 months ago

I hate Spotify (I have to preface with this sentence)

But plenty of artists these days don't bother releasing CDs and MP3s and you can legitimately only stream their songs.

I know small artists who were unable to send me the files of their own songs when I asked them. They just sent me a YouTube link and told me to listen there.

[–] 2 points 9 months ago (1 children)

I don't intend on turning this into some sort of fight but to me your comment has big

"I don't see the problem why can't other people just have enough money"

vibes (Also I checked and an adapter costs me 12$ on Amazon). I don't think you intended it this way, so I'll shut up now.

As to my actual answer:

  • Leaving it on headphones is not an option to me (I explained it above)
  • Buying one for every jacket might work, but what do I do in summer?
  • Please correct me on this but afaik it's not standardized
    • USB output is usually digital, while headphone obviously require an analog signal. I assume the vendors just use certain pins in the USB jack for transmitting the analog signal while keeping the rest grounded.
    • I know for certain that Samsung adapters don't work on OnePlus phones for example.

I could go on, but there's honestly no point. We're different people with different uses for our phones/headphones. I won't buy a phone without a headphone jack as long as I still have wired headphones.

[–] 1 points 9 months ago

I have 2 main problems with that:

  • My headphone cable is long and sometimes it gets tangled in all sorts of places. The adapters are small and flimsy, if I leave them on the cable I assume they'll break soon. I have no problems with a broken headphone cable as it is an easy and cheap fix. I don't think the adapters are seriously fixable tho.
  • Everything else uses a headphone jack everywhere. I have yet to see a use for USB-C to audio jack anywhere else. Which makes sense as USB is digital and audio is analog. I assume many people have no use for headphones outside of their phones, I am not one of those people.
[–] 16 points 9 months ago (5 children)

Honestly I'd probably buy a phone without a camera before I'd buy a phone without a headphone jack.

I was sold on the idea of a fairphone but that's a dealbreaker to me. I very briefly owned a phone without a headphone jack (borrowed from a friend while my current one was in repair), having to think of that stupid adapter all the time was hell.

[–] 8 points 10 months ago

I've definitely had to handle 30gb plain text files before so I am inclined to believe twice as much should be just as possible

[–] 4 points 11 months ago (1 children)

I know people enjoy being snooty about audio quality and I used to as well. But at some point I just stopped caring and openly admitted that I couldn't hear a difference. I can wholeheartedly recommend!

[–] 4 points 11 months ago (1 children)

I don't know why anyone would give Spotify money when...

Frankly, I do because I share a family account with ~~a bunch of people I haven't spoken to since high school~~ my family. The amount of money I pay is absolutely negligible for me, it's less than what I give to homeless people on the street.

I tried quitting Spotify because I really do hate it for a number of reasons. Apple Music was pretty shite on Android (and Linux). I also tried living without a streaming service, but ironically a lot of smaller bands don't release their music through anything but the popular streaming services. Piracy also sucks when you can only download popular music at best.

[–] 4 points 11 months ago (1 children)

What do you propose? As far as I know (the consensus changes alle the time but) they are recommended if you have no other options.

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