I more meant it as "a general strike wouldn't work"
It's just a joke about how people "don't have any guns" because they lost them. Not stolen because they would have to report that. They're somewhere unreachable that you technically COULD verify, but likely wouldn't unless there's a very specific (usually requiring a warrant to get people to move) reason.
So "boating accident" is to goto joke accident. Nobody would actually believe you if you said that to a cop, judge, or courtroom.
general strike.
Oh you sweet, summer child...
They used to own tons, but sadly since the boating mishap, they're all at scattered at the bottom of a really deep lake.
Who would have thought that bringing every single one of your legally purchased firearms onto a small boat to show them the world would be a bad idea?
Oh well, no need to look for them.
You can get the same ksp2 experience with ksp1 and the seemingly infinite amount of mods available.
Want more realistic everything? Mods for that.
Want to make a jumbo jet that can also travel to Ike?there's Mods for that.
Want everything to be reskinned to look different? You better BELIEVE there's mods for that.
And the best part is if you own ksp1 (or at least if you have it on your computer to play, wink wink) it's free! No need to pay for a full game that's just been modified slightly, now you just slightly modify it yourself. (or mod it so heavily that startup takes 20 minutes and if you don't use the part search function you'll be scrolling for hours)
The moral high road is littered with corpses, and it looks like we're bound and determined to add more to the pile.
The Maquis have a lot of good points.
As usual, the mere threat of potential domestic terrorism wins.
We don't negotiate with terrorists, we hand them the country. And sit quietly when they start destroying things. Like good sheep.
I plan on reminding every family member, at every opportunity, when they complain about some benefit they've lost, "tough shit, you specifically voted for this"
Yep! Sure is!
Thanksgiving with the religious family is gonna be great.
Historically, it works.
If every country on earth had nukes and delivery methods on par with each other, we would never have to worry about nations being at war again.
Nothing would be left alive on the planet, but we would be at peace.
Hi, I'm someone who loves to play video games, absolutely cannot stand to watch other people play games, and for a thankfully brief period, was completely unable to play certain games due to insufficient reflexes.
This would have allowed me to play a wider range of games. I probably wouldn't have been able to beat dark souls, but plenty of other games would be on the table.
Heres the best part about features like this, and I hope you're sitting because this might blow your mind: if you don't want it, and don't like it..... don't use it.
Hope that helps clear a few things up.