I think after years and years of 3d games, I just don't like 2d anymore.
I've become institutionalized by a third dimension...
I don't even enjoy Castlevania anymore and those games were my jam back in the day.
I think after years and years of 3d games, I just don't like 2d anymore.
I've become institutionalized by a third dimension...
I don't even enjoy Castlevania anymore and those games were my jam back in the day.
I never could get into terraria, but some days I want to buy it just to support a good developer.
It was as much her own "fault" as it was Wesley's.
Wes created the little universe bubble she got sucked into, but her own subconscious filled it and made things disappear.
I once dropped a water bottle out of my backpack, and couldn't find it when I retraced my hike, but I did start noticing tons of trash everywhere.
So I started keeping a trash bag in my backpack, and filling a small bag every time I hike.
I may not have found my bottle, but I'll make sure I clean up more than I left every time I'm out.
I've had plenty of times where I get home and empty my pockets of the trash I accumulated with no can nearby.
And if I try to put something in a can and it falls out, I'm taking it with me because I didn't succeed in throwing it away.
Shrugging ans saying "well I tried" as you walk away isn't even trying.
Being a first time, or even just smaller developer is a nightmare when you compare it against large companies.
You basically don't have a chance if you try to carry your dream yourself, because you lack funding. But getting in bed with larger companies for funding and marketing puts an insane amount of pressure to perform well or go under.
I can totally understand why so many things were over-promised. I can't excuse what we got on release, but I do understand why he lied, even in the weeks leading up to release where everyone who plays immediately knows what's bullshit.
And to be honest, I would likely do the same in some situations.
Like the multi-player aspect where supposedly you would be able to see each other in-game. They really thought with the size of the procedural generation it would take a lot longer for people to meet, even if they were trying to meet up. Unfortunately they forgot to take statistics and probability into account. With the large amounts of people playing, two were bound to end up close enough to meet in the finest few days.
I think they really thought they'd have time to fix it before anyone met.
You'll say anything when it's your future, and the futures of all the people you work with, on the line.
I've found one thing pretty helpful in explaining to people around me how to look at the situation. It's very simplified on purpose. Nuance is dead.
"You and your neighbor inherited your houses from your parents. They hated each other, but you never found out why. Growing up in their house made you dislike your neighbors too, though you have no reason to except any bad things the neighbors do to you because they don't like your parents. You're in the crossfire of anger. So when you and the neighbor move in, you both hate each other still.
5 years go by and the neighbor decides to put up a fence, and the city council says that it doesn't matter where the property lines are, they will set the fence and that's where it stays.
Then for years your neighbor is making improvements to their property, and what used to be half your yard. They begin moving the fence around to suit their projects.
One day your neighbor kicks down your door, sticks a gun in your face, his brothers grab your wife and kids, shoot your dogs, beat your child to death and when you call the police, they sit back and say "they have every right to defend themselves" and start handing them more guns.
now the neighbor is going down the lane, taking over each house and killing 1/3 of the people who live there, at minimum and the city council just shrugs and says "there's nothing we can do, we can't interfere in their internal stuff"
The neighbor keeps yelling to everyone walking by that they are the real victim here. They are being FORCED to do this. Every house has people who want to kill them in it. And to prove it, they grab someone who's been beaten for days, ask them "do you hate me" and when the person tries to attack them they get executed, the people walking by shake their heads and wonder why that person didn't just let them have the house, because surely that would have made the neighbors happy.
The current government of Israel was given land by foreign nations who had no claim on the land, and just compare modern borders with 1950 borders. The neighbors didn't just move out and Israel bought the land. Any look at news from history will show you all their "defensive" actions that resulted in expanded territory. "
If the person sticks around for the whole explanation, roughly 50% of the time they open their phone to look some things up.
I may not be changing anyone's mind, but if I can get them to at least question the official" bullshit then it's a partial success.
The best time to fix your game is before you fucking release it
The second best time is right now.
They may have ignored the first half, but when they screwed up they tucked tail and got to work.
Nobody in their right mind would say they've been given a pass for NMS because they have been improving it, especially when you consider the straight up LIES Sean told during interviews. Whether it's because his expectations were too high for the engine and dev team, incompetence and inflated self-image, or he was trying to build hype for the game knowing they could never fulfill all their promises, it doesn't matter.
They improved what they made, but they still haven't delivered what they promised for months leading up to release.
It's a mixed bag. You take the bag with the good.
NMS is worth playing for the 0 dollars I spent on it, and I could see myself tossing upto $20 for it, but at no point was it worth a full price game IMO.
How long before they just straight up make a concentration camp and name it Auschwitz 2...
My 5th grade English teacher threw my personal book against the wall of the classroom, and ripped the spine in half. The book was now in two pieces, front half and back half. Ish.
Because I was reading my own book during class instead of following along a book I had finished on the first day it was assigned.
She never got in trouble with the administration despite having a completely inappropriate anger outburst over something so simple and was destroying a students' personal property...
I even proved I read it by giving specific details of various chapters. Jonny Tremaine is not a long or complex book.
My parents came to the school and all that happened was the school gave my parents the price of the book. I never got another copy until about two months ago (I'm in my 30s)when I saw it at half price books and decided I wanted the whole series.
Adults really don't seem to understand children by the time they have them. Like... You were a child once, you should know how children think. More or less. You should very much know that making a child read something they don't like, and literally punishing them for reading something they DO like is very likely to fuck with their desire to ever read for pleasure again. Not me, luckily... But very easily anyone who isn't as stubborn and "I'm right even though you're the adult" attitude I had would easily be put off.
Hopefully when she no longer has to follow along and can read whatever, whenever, she pick it up a bit more. If she hasn't already read the series, you should try gifting her the first Artemis Fowl book, I've given it to a few people over the years and they loved it and decided to get the rest of the books on their own. My wife even likes the books and she hates reading because she's dyslexic.
I mean, it would have been nice if the game had been finished when it came out.....
But hey, they've fixed nearly every problem I had with the game on launch. Which is infinitely more than most of the companies who release shitty broken games.