
joined 11 months ago
[–] 1 points 9 months ago

I feel like there is a lot of debate recently about the use of AI in photography. Not like making imagines with AI but it could be a good idea to discuss the use of AI tools in editing photos. Is there a line to draw on what is someone’s creation and what is an AI’s creation? Can it be useful in assisting the creation of images or is it taking away photography from people?

[–] 1 points 9 months ago

I do this on posts where I am doing portrait and landscape aspect ratios. Instagram will let you use custom aspect ratios but you can only use 1 aspect ratio throughout your post. And it’s got the added benefit of looking nice and making your profile look a bit neater

[–] 1 points 10 months ago

If you are shooting the exact same scene in the exact same weather when the sun is in the exact same position then yes. Otherwise no

[–] 1 points 10 months ago (4 children)

“What are the best settings”

I understand that people who are new are the main people who ask it but when I’m asked that I’m just always like “well there is no answer. For this scene I might use something like bla bla bla but you just gotta play with it and find out”

[–] 1 points 10 months ago

I generally use all sorts of media to find inspriation. Books, YouTube, Instagram (only because I found photographers I like to follow the recommendations aren’t that great. Technically fine but creatively a bit bland), word of mouth, flickr, friends who do photography

[–] 1 points 10 months ago

I haven’t had one but I’ve only been doing photography for a couple years and as soon as I can I always get my photos onto my computer and onto my google drive so I have backups

[–] 1 points 10 months ago

99% of the time. Yes autofocus is probably better but idk I just enjoy having full control over the photo. The viewer will probably not care in the slightest but it’s just for my fun

[–] 1 points 10 months ago (2 children)

Talking to them throughout the session and keeping them comfortable is probably the most important part I’d imagine