
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 5 minutes ago

I wish the Harris campaign would stop advertising how many awful people approve of her more than of a literal fascist. It's not the flex they seem to think it is.

[–] 2 points 2 hours ago

Sounds good in theory, but not when you consider that exactly the groups that the GOP want to stop from voting have local post offices that are effectively unusable for the vast majority due to being open only a few hours a year.

[–] 3 points 3 hours ago

obtaining proof of citizenship should be free and simple to obtain from every municipality, state and federal office

If it was, Republicans would just find another way to suppress the vote. This isn't about citizenship or the integrity of the electoral process. It's about the GOP knowing that the fewer people vote, the better for their fascist and therefore unpopular party.

whether it's necessary to have proof of citizenship in order to able to vote. of course you should. everyone should.

That's already in place, though. When voting, you have to supply your name, address and voter registration.

If no citizen with that name is registered to that address, you don't get to vote.

It's a pernicious lie that people in any significant number is able or even attempting to vote without indirectly proving their citizenship and even requiring "free and simple" (which it probably won't be to some people anyway) direct proof will suppress the vote whether that's your attention or not.

we spend so much political bandwidth on a loser of an issue, year in, year out, for decades

Because currently there's no consequences for Republican politicians and their media echo chamber willfully misleading the people with their lies. In fact, the corrupt system encourages it.

Ceding ground to their demagoguery doesn't make it go away. They'll just have that more power to suppress the vote in additional ways.

something we should be pushing for too.

Nope. See above.

the poll tax argument no longer holds weight

It VERY much does. Any unnecessary obstacle to voting is undemocratic in the same way as a poll tax is and requiring direct proof of something you're already indirectly proven is unnecessary.

no matter how much you whine about the smallest percentage of the smallest percentage of people who find themselves disenfranchised by the requirement

You VASTLY underestimate the number of people for whom voting is already unnecessarily difficult and who will be at a greater risk of not being able to justify the cost of voting the more obstacles are thrown in their way.

Especially when you consider that in person voter fraud is so rare as to be statistically nonexistent and is never non eligible people trying to vote.

That you display your ignorance in a supremely condescending way doesn't help either.

the amount of support republicans get from this, as in issue that makes logical sense, doesn't add up.

It does when you consider how effective lying their ass off is in the current system.

They aren't right about any of this. They just have the money and media echo chamber to get their point repeated so much that impressionable people such as yourself are fooled into thinking that they are.

[–] 2 points 3 hours ago* (last edited 2 hours ago)

Because a government shutdown could permanently destroy the lives of people who are dependent on the government to function, stave off homelessness, or even survive.

[–] 2 points 3 hours ago

a month or 2 of crappiness is nothing compared to years of a Trump presidency.

On the surface, you're right.

However, to some people, that month or two of pay could be the difference between having a home or not and, depending on where in the country they live, that could be permanent or even deadly.

I agree with you that Trump and his fascist cult MUST be stopped, but we still need to be careful not to irreparably harm innocents in the process..

[–] 7 points 16 hours ago* (last edited 13 hours ago)

...did you just have a stroke in the middle of a strawman argument?

[–] 5 points 1 day ago

Sew You Think You Can Darn(ce) is the main competitor show.

[–] 6 points 1 day ago (5 children)

I'll take your word for it but I never played it myself since I'm not really into the whole survival genre 🤷

[–] 10 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (8 children)

Some might be, but the Horizon games (including the PC ports) are bonafide masterpieces and I personally love the Assassin's Creed RPG trilogy and Rock Band 🤷

[–] 3 points 2 days ago

The third of his name.

[–] 2 points 2 days ago

The only way that they're not right of center is in relation to the GOP. Do you have ANY idea how much farther right than the policy positions of the greater population the media's Overton window has drifted in recent decades?

One party's LITERALLY fascist and the other one's close enough to willingly negotiate with it on everything.

The Dem leadership is DEFINITELY right of center and so is the pro-cop pro-Israel pro- corporate billionaire-owned media.

Just because conservative Democrats are the leftmost option offered in elections where the other candidate is a fascist or an anarcho-capitalist doesn't mean that they're left of center.


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In June 2023, Paul Skye Lehrman and his partner Linnea Sage were driving near their home in New York City, listening to a podcast about the ongoing strikes in Hollywood and how artificial intelligence (AI) could affect the industry.

The episode was of interest because the couple are voice-over performers and - like many other creatives - fear that human-sounding voice generators could soon be used to replace them.

This particular podcast had a unique hook – they interviewed an AI-powered chat bot, equipped with text-to-speech software, to ask how it thought the use of AI would affect jobs in Hollywood.

But, when it spoke, it sounded just like Mr Lehrman.

That night they spent hours online, searching for clues until they came across the site of text-to-speech platform Lovo. Once there, Ms Sage said she found a copy of her voice as well.

They have now filed a lawsuit against Lovo. The firm has not yet responded to that or the BBC's requests for comment.


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Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) said he isn’t buying all that Democratic “joy” on display at this past week’s Democratic National Convention in Chicago during a Sunday appearance with Jake Tapper on CNN’s State of the Union.

During their conversation, Tapper brought up the “disciplined” and “well-produced” DNC this week that, as the journalist put it, “conveyed patriotism and unity.” Graham didn’t see it that way.

“Well, I didn’t see what you saw,” Graham told Tapper with a laugh. “If you’re a Republican, you saw a hate fest. You saw a hate fest full of insults.”

“Americans are not joyful when they go to the gas station and fill up their car,” he continued. “They’re not joyful when they make their mortgage payment. They’re not joyful when they go to the grocery store. People are hurting, and this whole joy love fest doesn’t exist in the real world.”

To bolster his claim, Graham pointed to the gas prices, the state of the border, and inflation during Donald Trump’s presidency when “the world was not on fire.”

He's either lying or what he said gives us a look into his shitty perspective of the world. Either way such a miserable and pathetic existence.


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It was a heartwarming moment that captured the Olympic spirit, but North Korea’s table tennis champions may be punished for joining a selfie with their opponents from the South.

Ri Jong Sik and Kim Kum Yong, who won silver medals, are said to be undergoing “ideological evaluation” along with other athletes who returned from the Paris Games.

The assessment is a standard procedure to “cleanse” the team from “exposure to contamination” abroad, the Daily NK reported.

North Korean athletes were reportedly given “special instructions” not to interact with South Koreans or other foreign athletes in Paris, under threat of repercussions.

Since returning from France, the Olympic team is believed to be in the process of a three-stage ideological assessment process by the country’s ministry of sport.

It is said to last about a month, with the intention of purging any lingering influence of “non-socialist” culture.


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Thirty-six flights were cancelled and 201 delayed at a Japanese airport on the weekend after a pair of scissors went missing in a store near the boarding gates.

Security checks at Hokkaido’s New Chitose Airport domestic terminal were suspended for about two hours on Saturday morning, leaving hundreds of travellers temporarily stranded.

There were huge bottlenecks and queues as passengers in the departure lounge were forced to retake security checks. 

Authorities tried to locate the missing scissors, which were found at the same store the following day.


That's a rhetorical question, in case there's any doubt. I know the exact what and why of their bullshit.


Oh no! Such horrors!


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In a contentious and misleading post on social media, JD Vance, the Republican vice-presidential nominee, launched an attack on Vice President Kamala Harris’s support for LGBTQ+ inclusivity. Vance falsely accused Algerian Olympic boxer Imane Khelif of being transgender, causing widespread condemnation and backlash from human rights advocates.


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Another article that highlighs inherent flaws in the American legal system. How can this potentially be an actual lawsuit? How can "journalists" even entertain reporting on this?

Honestly I'm just posting to laugh at my fellow lemmings responses and watch see how the plaintiff is roasted for not gitting gud.

But, there is a real conversation here around continued ignorance of game development and the value of difficult games as a value proposition. Afterall, the person attempting to sue from did choose to purchase the games willingly knowing they're not for scrub casuals like themselves.

What do you all think, is difficulty gating content a real issue? Should dev's have some kind of legal requirement to appease players that can spec a build properly? Is it Thursday and I'm just looking for some easy laughs at a morons expense?

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