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[–] Vorticity@lemmy.world 14 points 10 hours ago (2 children)

Are you a troll or dumb? They're not endorsing her because they like her policies. They are endorsing her because she isn't actively trying to subvert our entire government. Yes, even a monster like Dick Cheny endorsed her but he stated that he doesn't like her, he just hates her less than he hates Trump.

[–] Vorticity@lemmy.world 38 points 11 hours ago

How about you go organize a protest in front of another news room? They're doing something. They can't exactly go protest a bunch or organizations at the same time without a ton more people.

Why are you letting the perfect E the enemy of the good?

[–] Vorticity@lemmy.world 9 points 2 days ago

This has nothing to do with scared students. This is the result of rhetoric from Trump and Vance about the large Haitian population in Springfield. Violent right-wingers are acting upon their dear leader's words.

[–] Vorticity@lemmy.world 21 points 2 days ago (2 children)

Look at it differently, you're taking advantage of Nestlé. They're trying to make themselves look better with the program and adding one more person to their list of "who we've helped" won't really have any impact on their attempt to sanitize themselves or their taxes. It will, however, have a big impact on you.

Just don't start telling everyone that nestle is paying for your meds. That would be helping them with their image.

[–] Vorticity@lemmy.world 3 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

I don't know Korea's laws but this would likely be illegal in the US, too. It depends on whether it could be proven that you knew that the stocks were issued in error. And even if it wasn't a criminal act, the company would be within their rights to recover the mistakenly issued stocks.

[–] Vorticity@lemmy.world 27 points 5 days ago

Honestly, as replacements for their legacy, these look spot on. Modern versions of what came before. I'm so glad the postal workers are receiving new, safer equipment.

[–] Vorticity@lemmy.world 7 points 1 week ago

Right? The $5k dependent care FSA does save me about $1k per year but I'm still shelling out $21k for day care with $16k taxed.

[–] Vorticity@lemmy.world 19 points 1 week ago

Whether they have wifi on ship or not isn't the issue. Sometimes, when a ship goes into an operation, they will turn off all signals except passive or directed signals so that they can't easily be detected. Having a communications signal that isn't under the control of the ship's officers is a huge security risk during operations.

Someone is going to be court martialed over this.

[–] Vorticity@lemmy.world 98 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I think the more egregious part is that all of the networks covered Trump's press conference, then failed to cover Harris' speech. Giving air time to one candidate and not the other is not balanced reporting. It is giving free publicity to one candidate over the other. They went to Trump's house on short notice rather than cover Harris' public speech with plenty of notice.


I'm a white guy from a fairly non-diverse city. I was at a grocery store today where a cashier opened up their line to serve me and, I thought, the person behind me. As they were serving me, though, they put up their lane closed sign right in front of the black man behind me. The buy was just trying to purchase some tuna, bread, and peanut butter.

The cashier basically decided to serve me, a middle class white man, but refused to serve the black man behind me. I was so shocked that I didn't say anything. It is possible that I misunderstood the situation but it seemed so blatant.

What should I have done in this situation? Should I have spoken up? Would that have just been more embarrassing for the man who was being discriminated against?

Honestly, I'm still just in shock to see someone treated so poorly when they were simply trying to buy food for themselves. I recognize that means that I'm sheltered but I also feel like I should be able to use my unearned privilege to help others who are being discriminated against.

[–] Vorticity@lemmy.world 3 points 1 month ago

What an understatement. "Cruel and dangerous" barely scratches the surface of how abominable Israel's "war" in Gaza has been. Genocide deserves to be labeled a lot more strongly than "cruel and dangerous". Calling this "cruel and dangerous" belittles the atrocities and only serves to aid Israel.

[–] Vorticity@lemmy.world 2 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I don't even see how his reaction was a "typical authoritarian response". I think there are only a few reasonable responses after being shot. Defiance is a pretty reasonable response. Anger, fear, running away, and mental breakdown are all also reasonable responses.

I detest Trump, but his immediate reaction actually seemed like the best reaction that a presidential candidate could have. I don't think it was planned and I do think that his reaction was genuine. I think it's very hard to have a calculated response in a situation like that.



I keep running into issues where I'm unsure of which account I'm currently using. It would be nice if it were more obvious at all times. Two things that would help me are:

  • always display the current user somewhere, regardless of what content is being viewed.
  • allow setting different color themes for different users.
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