
joined 1 year ago
[–] WiseThat@lemmy.ca -2 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (1 children)

If the error is hidden well, yes. Close-reading a text and cross referencing everything it says takes MUCH longer than writing a piece you know is accurate to begin with

[–] WiseThat@lemmy.ca 2 points 2 weeks ago

The next update will fix everything, just need this one hotfix and everything will be solved, just wait.

Just one more update, okay? Just one more. One update. Just one.

[–] WiseThat@lemmy.ca 4 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

And in fact, increasing the tax on profits makes it much, much more valuable to reinvest in the business.

Like, lets say your business is expecting a net profit of $200K after a year. You can either choose to reinvest that into the business to buy new equipment and hire new staff, or you can record that as profit, pay the taxes, and then put the after tax dollars money directly into your and your investors pockets.

With our current corporate tax rate of 15%, it's really tempting to just pay the 30K in taxes and personally keep $170k as take-home, which gets taxed at a MUCH lower rate than regular income, rather than keep it in the business. $30K as a fee to keep $170K in personal income is pretty cheap.

However, if taking money our of the business was much more expensive, say 45% or something comparable to the marginal personal income tax rate for a working professional, then maybe as a business owner you might think that paying $90K to keep $110K is not as good a deal, and so you will think about whether there are other opportunities WITHIN the business you could invest in, putting those profits towards new equipment or training, rather than losing 45% of it to taxes just to add a small amount to your own pocket.

[–] WiseThat@lemmy.ca 6 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Mercedes was the name of Emil Jellinek's daughter, Emil has the idea to develop sports cars, he designed and commissioned cars from an engineering company and named the model-line after her.

[–] WiseThat@lemmy.ca 32 points 5 months ago (1 children)

You, an average person? Probably homeless after you offended the wrong rich person.

If you're rich though, you are immune to consequences.

[–] WiseThat@lemmy.ca 2 points 5 months ago

Cars are also REALLY not that convenient. I'm a dad to a four-month-old, and getting to appointments by bus/metro is SO much easier than using the car.


  • Have to get the fucking car seat in the back seat
  • Pack stroller in as well
  • Drive with potentially screaming kid who feels isolated and lonely, feel like I'm gonna crash at any moment
  • Parking lots SUCK to walk around in with a stroller,have to push kid out into the open before I can see around these tall cars and just hope nobody is speeding


  • Push stroller right on to kneeling bus/level-boarding platform
  • can attend to my baby the whole time, no fussing.
  • don't have to worry about parking AT ALL
[–] WiseThat@lemmy.ca 9 points 5 months ago

Yeah, the definition of "Productive" is all sorts of wacky when you consider that, by the numbers, the people doing high-frequency stock trading are some of the most "productive" people on the planet, because they manage to hoard so much money to themselves.

Meanwhile, the people actually providing goods and services that make people's lives better and create new things, those people are "unproductive", because they don't get filthy rich off their honest work.

The real reason we are not "productive" is that foreign investors are paying us to do the hard work of extracting resources (lumber, ore), or generating new research (we have MANY top universities), but then demanding that the money made from refining those resources or selling those idea goes to them, in other nations (typically the US or China)

[–] WiseThat@lemmy.ca 6 points 5 months ago

I don't understand how the custom that a married couple adopt a single last name affects this at all, this issue would be caused by the last-naming of the KIDS, not the adults.

[–] WiseThat@lemmy.ca 10 points 6 months ago

Another emulator. Iirc some of the code running Nintendo's own retro gaming products was pirated FROM Ryiujinx

[–] WiseThat@lemmy.ca 1 points 7 months ago

But then how will congress give taxpayer dollars to a private company to do a terrible job?

I mean, we COULD have a government run agency that retains skilled engineers and keeps a good talent and knowledge pool of people specialized at delivering services that hundreds of millions of people rely on OR we could give money to the lowest bidder and blame "government inefficiency" for the contractor's fuckups.

[–] WiseThat@lemmy.ca 3 points 7 months ago

This is a classic case of the Patriarchy / Toxic Masculinity hurting men too.

For the government officials to fund a Men's shelter would mean admitting that men can have moments of weakness, which the men in power do not like.

[–] WiseThat@lemmy.ca 3 points 8 months ago (1 children)

Actually, in most cases having fewer police on the streets leads to LESS petty crime.

This is because cops tend to spook people, so everyone (including the innocent, law abiding citizens) will leave areas that are patrolled.

This creates the ideal scenario for crime: there are few/no witnesses around for a while after the cops come by.

In pretty much every case I am aware of where cops go on strike and stop doing regular beat patrols, crime goes DOWN.

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