
joined 1 year ago

I make mpv playlists where I pad episodes with music to break these spells. Episode ends, and I have a half hour of music to recenter myself on my work in case I got sucked in.

[–] 7 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

X Files season 2 episode 15 is about Haitian immigrants and their treatment in a US detention center in Camp LeJeune, NC in the 90s.

In case you haven't noticed agent Mulder, the statue of liberty is on vacation. The new mandate says that if you are not a citizen, you better keep out.

SpoilerFear tactics against the Haitians by the racist marine Colonel leads to retaliation disguised via voodoo tactics (frog-based hallucinogen), with a bodysnatching necromantic twist.

[–] 5 points 4 days ago (1 children)

I didn't see it in display settings, but maybe I missed it!

[–] 4 points 4 days ago (1 children)

Also a BSD-based project.

[–] 12 points 4 days ago (3 children)

In desktop mode you can change the resolution of the connected display. It goes back to 720p if you go back to gaming mode, but you can always just launch games from the desktop if you want higher resolution for a specific game.

These post-debate shows are live and immediately after the debates, so there is less prep time for writing and bringing up old statements.

[–] 2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Global solutions are nice to ask for, but not forthcoming. We can start by investing in alternatives at the local/national level, encouraging others to do the same, and advocating to grow an alternative way of living that is less extractive and more respectful. Ideas can spread quite quickly, if the conditions are right. A global switch isn't possible immediately. Infrastructure must be planned. International economic planning and international cooperation are low right now. Even intranational cooperation is low.

Cooperation grows from the bottom up, and we need to find something locally/nationally to agree on and cooperate over. Plastics and recycling being a unifying issue is hopeful to report, and is something that can be tackled at the local level. I have greatly reduced my own plastic consumption (it's not zero) and saved money doing it. Plastic products are usually expensive conveniences. Now I spend my days cleaning instead of just tossing and moving on. A part of the problem is that living well requires labor, and our society forces us to sell all of our labor energy to make a boss rich and pay us pennies. Further, we all live in atomized, nuclear units that must be self-reliant, which requires more labor to meet needs compared to the economies of scale involved with community-pooled labor to meet shared needs like food (a major source of plastics waste).

Previously, western society supported this structure via sexual segregation where one sex provided the labor to live well, and the other provided the labor donated to capitalism in exchange for the family unit being allowed to live. Then, the sex whose job it was to help us live well realized that they were being oppressed in this scenario, since they were being denied many basic rights of citizenship such as being seen as a person by society. They were tricked by the capitalists to demand that they may also donate their labor to the invisible hand in exchange for something closer to full citizenship. This creates a domestic labor vacuum that prevents pay parity. Domestic labor needs are being suppressed by convenience plastic use. The need for someone to do domestic labor causes women to fall back into this role due to the structural vacuum. Convenience plastics use is required to support the lack of time available now that Bosses demand double the labor from each family unit compared to the 1960s. Dropping plastics increases domestic labor requirements which exacerbates the sexual labor vacuum and pay gap. I see a local/national need to fix sexual issues as blocking a fix for our plastics addiction in the west. Abstracting the problematic societal structures around sex, calling them gender, and then breaking their rules is the current strategy to free ourselves.

I searched "gtx 1660 vs amd" and saw that your card is usually compared to the rx 590 from amd on speed tests, with similar results. Price is also similar.

One example that includes the prices I was comparing. I have used neither card. I'm not familiar with that website. Do your own research before making a purchase,

[–] 1 points 1 week ago (2 children)

What motivated you to switch branches? Did it solve another issue? Why were you not on the latest branch yesterday, ie, why did you roll back originally? Does one driver work better for some games, and another driver works better for others?

Nvidia drivers are jank. I honestly haven't touched them since 2017. I remember having to reboot and switch drivers to switch games I was playing with friends and finding the whole experience annoying as hell. I realized that Linus Torvalds was right, fuck nvidia, AMD is the way to go. Have not had to touch anything with my drivers since switching. All of my interactions with nvidia since have confirmed that they are not a company deserving of my patronage.

[–] 3 points 1 week ago (4 children)

Please try versions 535 and 470.

See if either fixes your issues.

You need to reboot after switching. It'll take you 30 mins max, even if neither works and you have to switch back.

[–] 2 points 1 week ago (6 children)

There's usually only like 5 tracks. "What's recommended" is nouveau, which works but not for gaming. It's recommended because it's open source and can do most things that the proprietary nvidia drivers can do. Nvidia is really bad at maintaining their drivers, and different drivers work better for different cards.

Nvidia sucks. Switch to AMD and never have a problem again. Or spend an hour testing each of the proprietary options maintained in the debian repos, and most likely find that at least one of them works. Until an update to the drivers or kernel comes along, and breaks it again, so you have to play around with driver versions and kernel versions to find a combo that works. That's less likely to happen if you stick with a debian-based distro vs a bleeding-edge distro like arch.

And buy AMD for your next machine to send a message to nvidia that their driver support sucks!


On Tuesday, voters in Crook County passed measure 7-86, which asked voters if they support negotiations to move the Oregon/Idaho border to include Crook County in Idaho.  The measure is passing with 53% of the vote, and makes Crook County the 13th county in eastern Oregon to pass a Greater Idaho measure.

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