
joined 8 months ago
[–] 5 points 3 hours ago* (last edited 3 hours ago)

Yup! There's that thing you can hang the towel from, I consider that side "up".

I deviced this system as a child, I have honestly never stopped to think about whether it's reasonable or not.

[–] 7 points 3 hours ago (3 children)

Top to bottom-ish. But I consistently use one side of the towel for my face, and the other side for my junk. I know it doesn't matter as I have cleaned up everywhere anyway, but I like to keep it separated anyway.

[–] 4 points 3 hours ago

There's that Al Franklen quote about Ted Cruz.

I like Ted Cruz more than most of my other colleagues like Ted Cruz. And I hate Ted Cruz.

Reading this comment section made me realise I feel the same way about Hillary Clinton.

[–] 2 points 6 hours ago

The point Dylan makes, that I think there is truth to, is that these people don't see the difference between the two. If they struggle to put food on the table it's not because of rich elites hogging the resources for themselves, or for our economic system failing to provide for everyone; it's because the immigrants are taking their jobs, women are taking over their positions in society and depriving them of the opportunities their fathers had, etc.

Then again, I struggle to fit hatred of LGBTQ+ into this framework. So for sure there's also more other mechanisms at play.

[–] 3 points 8 hours ago (2 children)

Dylan's Only a Pawn in Their Game is a song about identity politics that holds up pretty well I find.

[–] 31 points 12 hours ago* (last edited 12 hours ago) (1 children)

Funny. As a European political scientist, when I think of identity politics the first thing that comes to mind is nativism, right wing populists, and all those people crying out in public about outgroups who are not like themselves.

We always had trans people. They didn't politicize themselves - there's not many enough of them that they could have even if they wanted to. They became politicized by a group of people who chose to identify themselves in opposition to them. The same goes for immigrants, gays, whatever. We vote less according to economy, and more according to identity.

The only way the Republican party is allowed to exist in it's current form is through identity politics. Women not wanting to go thorough with unwanted pregnancies is *not* identity politics. It's more a matter of fucking survival. A bunch of conservative couch fucking male shitheads who want to limit women's ability to decide over their own bodies on the basis of their own hypocritical set of beliefs, however, very much is about identity politics.

And then trans people wanting to simply be allowed to live their lives in peace has also become a matter of identity politics, as their very existence has become politicized. But that's a development driven by right wing nut jobs, not by the left who (at its best, at least) wants to focus on economic issues while guaranteeing human rights as a mattet of common sense and decency.

Pretending that the political left are the ones pushing squishy identity politics while the right are focusing on hard economics and traditional politics is just plain wrong, and portraying it this way is yet another failure of the American media.


[–] 3 points 14 hours ago

I can't say I ever really understood what Newsmast is up to, but looks pretty nifty. It seems like a good way for organisations consisting of several independent people to get together and present all their federated content in one public channel.

[–] 2 points 14 hours ago* (last edited 13 hours ago)

The score was amazing!

I'd rank it up there with the first one - less quirky, but more of a wild ride. My partner preferred the sequel, though she loves both.

I really struggle to understand how anyone could like the original and not like the sequel, unless they only like the old one out of a sense of nostalgia but they've actually grown to have their taste change since.

[–] 1 points 14 hours ago

This is something I really loved actually. I never knew where the plot was going to go because there were so many different dynamics going on. At the end everything was tied together, but having so many things in motion made it unpredictable and fun to watch. To me, at least.

[–] 2 points 14 hours ago

I'm sure I've seen better comedies, but I really can't remember when.

[–] 2 points 14 hours ago

I guess it might be relatively low for the sequel to a cult classic made by a famous director and with a star spangled cast. A lot of directors probably wouldn't limit themselves when they know they don't have to.

[–] 3 points 14 hours ago

Exactly. Nothing about the original screams blockbuster, and nothing about the new one (except maybe some of the casting) does either. It's just a really fun and, in my opinion, overall great movie. There's nothing $50 million could have done to improve upon it. And it is absolutely worth seeing in a cinema.

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by to c/

I noticed responding to posts in communities hosted at gives the following warning:

This post is hosted on which will ban you for saying anything negative about China, Russia or Putin. Tread carefully.

While I see where this is coming from and I agree with the general sentiment, I'm not sure it's a great idea to include such a message. I basically read it as an invitation to be off-topic and to derail conversations in order to annoy the admins. While it comes from a point of good intentions, it can be disheartening for the people running communities on to receive comments about Russia from users basically trying to get banned, in communities that has nothing to do with this issue.

It's unfortunate, but a lot of valuable older communities are still hosted on, and I think PieFed users should be encouraged to be constructive and on-topic users there as they should be everywhere else.

An alternative suggestion: Maybe it could be useful to remind people which community they are posting in? Like, "This community is dedicated to renewable energy. Please keep this in mind when contributing to the discussion". Then again, that would be a mess to implement in a good way.

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by to c/


The CSAM scandal the other day got me thinking about the (often lacking) capability of the Threadiverse to deal with quickly with content moderation, and since PieFed has already been a bit experimental in this regard, I figured maybe this is a place where I could ask if an idea is feasible. Sorry if it's a bad match!

The idea is to identify trusted users, in the same way that PieFed currently identifies potentially problematic users. Long term users with significantly more upvotes than downvotes. These trusted users could get an additional option to report a post, beyond "Report to moderator": Something like "Mark as abuse".

The user would be informed that this is meant for content that clearly goes against the rules of the server, that any other type of issue should be reported to moderators, and that abuse of the function leads to revoke of privilege to use it and, if intentional, potentially a ban.

If the user accepts this and marks a post as abuse, every post by the OP of the marked post would be temporarily hidden on the instance and marked for review by a moderator. The moderator can then choose to either 1) ban the user posting abusive material, or 2) make the posts visible again, and remove the "trusted" flag of the reporting user and hence avoiding similar false positives in the future.

A problem I keep seeing on the threadiverse is that bad content tends to remain available too long, as many smaller instances means that the moderating team might simply all be asleep. So this seems like one possible way of mitigating that. Maybe it's not technically feasible, and maybe it's just not a particularly good idea; it might also not be a particularly original idea, I don't know. But I figured it might be worth discussing.


Congratulations on having made such a great tool, even in its early phase! It seems very solid.

I'm curious about the long-term plans for the project: Is the idea to work strictly with the Threadiverse (similar to Lemmy), or are there plans to integrate more with the microblog platforms (similar to Kbin)? Any particular difference in approach to Fediverse integration vis-a-vis the two main platforms?

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