US could need more movies with how police are supposed to act. From over here it seems like all US cops think they are action heroes up until bullets fly and they turn into undertrained cowards in overprized gear.
I wouldnt call it backup. It is keeping versions of a file. Its keeping deleted files for a while, in the recycle bin. But you have to use the web interface to access those. Nor can you restore entire folders in one go, like File History could. File History works still, but one cant manually run the "delete all but the latest/last month/last year" job anymore. It just fails. The restore function works (well, I havent tested it after the new patch though).
Also, cloud copying the entire Documents folder? Theres so damn much crap and cache files put there. You gonna double your internet usage when playing some games, just for the cache files that is added, downloaded, changed, uploaded again and again. I'm glad I aint on a limit, but a lot of people in the rest of the world are.
You are right, somewhy bullies became rare as I aged. Which is why I was surprised they still existed when I was in conscription. They don't grow up and stop bullying. They don't change. We were friggin adults, and they formed a cliché and entertained themselves by back-talking anyone who didn't fit. Or steal stuff from them.
So why higher education has less bullies, I don't know. I would like to imagine they aren't intelligent enough to take the education path I did, but thats probably just a revenge-fantasy.
Thus solving the problem once and for all.
When we get rid of the fucking fascists, we’re taking away your right to vote.
Listen to yourself. Is this really the words of a democrat?
Might also be you are a trolling Ianguage model. In which case I'm the stupid one for having taken the bait, i guess. 😟
The exact same can be said about the music industry as well. To be me the more interesting movies/bands tend to be the obscure ones, which modern industry has strategically eliminated.
I was born in '85, so grew up in the 90s. And I thought I just didnt like music. It was crap. And played over and over again on every radio, every TOP X Hits CD, and in every gymnastic class. I tried searching, but the local music shops just contained the most pop stuff and nothing else. '01 was when I first found I actually enjoy music. One guy burned a CD with some progressive metal on it. And not long after that I found so damn much good music that just wasnt available to me before we had internet and could share mp3s.
So the good music was already eliminated in the 90s, at least where I live. And came back with internet sharing, despite the music industri trying their best to strangle it instead of embracing it. They havent stopped. Notice how out of trends mp3s are now? All is about the damn streaming. Thats them doing surprisingly well at controlling, imho.
This doesnt disprove your experience, of course. We need a bigger sample for that.
You assume seriously lot of me just because I enjoy action movies.
I'm as left as I think I can get. I believe in science, I believe in the climate crisis, and vaccines, and all that shit. I dont believe that we should all have guns. I'm against war, but for it if its the only way to survive. I havent blamed anyone for anything yet, except the fascists for being elitists. I definitly dont believe in Trump, how many times do I have to repeat that? Also again: I'm not American, and I dont know which country you live in that I could have destroyed. My own country is okay-ish, our politicians arent all good, but my country isnt close to destroyed by anything. Though I do admit that I do less than I should for a better tomorrow for everyone.
So you should sit down and cool down, take a look at where this thread started, re-examining your thought processes and behavior, and take another educated guess at who the one acting immature is.
Is there a time when it wasnt? I dont believe the average movie was less shitty back then either. It is just that the best movies survive our memories and in our culture, so the past might seem more classy from here.
And thats natural. We cant all enjoy the same stuff. :)
I just want to show that theres comic fans out there who actually enjoy having the comicbook movies we dreamt about when we were kids. And got disappointed over and over when the movie was so loosely based on the source material that it wasnt recognisable.
What truth? That everybody should enjoy what you enjoy?
who thinks the world revolves around you.
I'm literally defending everybodies right to have our own taste.
selfish, indolent, immature dipshit
For this I've been called a fascist, trump-voter, ignorant common man, anti-intellectualist, selfish, indolent (TIL a new word!), immature, and an american! Name-calling isnt very mature. I threw your own word back at you (except the Trump voter, I couldnt in good conscience punch so low). Because acting all "out-of-touch academic in the ivory tower" (your words, not mine) thats a so damn typical fascist move, that has been caricatured in multiple movies, that I cant help point it out.
Well, excuse me for not wanting to be called a fascist just for liking action movies.
you and the rest of the United States
So now you're calling me an American?! Jeez.
My nephew and his friends has been obsessed with it for a year now. He's 9. They are still releasing seasons and skins I have to buy for him. The relatively recent Futurama ones were cool.