
joined 2 years ago
[–] emuspawn@orbiting.observer 13 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Welcome to the Fediverse! Thanks for the post, I love your authorial tone!

[–] emuspawn@orbiting.observer 1 points 1 week ago

I will check out Polonium! Thanks!

[–] emuspawn@orbiting.observer 3 points 1 week ago (2 children)

I know you said Gnome, but if you are willing to look at Plasma, I've just started using Bismuth on KDE Plasma and I think it can do at least a chunk of that. It can set particular sizes with Window Rules, it looks to have a quite robust shortcut system, including resizing windows, swapping, rotating, or changing layouts. As for the focus vs open, KRunner lets you choose the active application when you type it's name. There's also this: https://github.com/academo/ww-run-raise but I have not used it and cannot vouch for that.

[–] emuspawn@orbiting.observer 6 points 1 week ago (5 children)

Alligators steal hats all the time?

[–] emuspawn@orbiting.observer 1 points 3 weeks ago

No, they don't, I pulled it out of my butt. I rewrote my original draft and that slipped in. NVME wouldn't make sense unless you were powering them up every few months for updates.

[–] emuspawn@orbiting.observer 3 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

If you buy your LTO drive new, then yes they rip you a new one, for sure! Buy it used...but it still will cost you a few hundred. Like I said, if money is not a concern. If losing the encryption key is a concern, then USB is still your best bet. Make two, keep them simple and unencrypted, stick em in two different safes, update them regularly. And print the documentation with pictures!

[–] emuspawn@orbiting.observer 6 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) (5 children)

The other thing is if I get hit by a bus and no one can work out how to decrypt a backup or whatever.

Documentation, documentation, documentation. No matter what system you have, make sure your loved ones have a detailed, image-heavy, easy to follow guide on how restorations work - at the file level, at the VM level, at whatever level you are using.

That being said, DVDs actually have quite a short shelf life, all things considered. I'd be more inclined to use a pair of archival strength USB NVME drive, updated and tested routinely(quarterly, yearly, whatever makes sense). Or even an LTO tape, if you want to purchase the drive and some tapes.

You can put your backups in something like VeraCrypt. Set an insanely long password, encoded in a QR code, printed on paper. Store it in the same secured location you store your USB drives (or elsewhere, if you have a security posture).

You may also consider, if money is not a concern, a cloud VPS or other online file storage, similarly encrypted. This can provide an easy URL to access for the less tech-savvy, along with secured credentials for recovery efforts. Depending on what your successors might need to access, this could be a very straightforward way to log into a website and download what they need in an emergency.

[–] emuspawn@orbiting.observer 7 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Howdy! It's ~40s and wet here in the PNW (with the threat of snow!). There are leeks, chard, and herbs happily chugging along outside.

But the real fun is inside! Earlier this year I built a fun little grow cabinet for a jalepeno, some citrus, and lemongrass. I promptly spent several weeks fighting an aphid infestation.

So now, I have happy little jalapenos growing, as well as some wee little satsumas.

And of course, several hundred LITTLE BABY PLANTS!

I'm getting all the early spring plants going that transplant well - lettuce, kale, arugula, you name it. I'm going to try and grow some carrots inside, we'll see. Slugs destroyed all mine last year. Also, like 120 onions of different varieties. Geez!

[–] emuspawn@orbiting.observer 4 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Receiving signal up in low earth orbit! Congrats!

[–] emuspawn@orbiting.observer 2 points 1 month ago

Sounds like you should get a basic low power linux box going!

[–] emuspawn@orbiting.observer 2 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Okay, then yes - I can see it all! I can see the title post, AND the 9 panel shows up. Clicking the link also loads the picture in Boost.

What's growing on, Beehaw? (orbiting.observer)
submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by emuspawn@orbiting.observer to c/greenspace@beehaw.org

Howdy, gardeners! It's been a minute since I posted, but my PNW garden is just getting up to steam!

My first cukes came in, I'm growing 'Spacemaster 80' slicing cucumbers and 'Homemade Pickle' cucumbers, for obvious reasons. Cukes I've just made my first batch of pickles using a Claussen knock off recipe from the forbidden site, so we'll see how that goes. It just went in the fridge for cooling, so I get to try it in just a couple days!

I've started researching canning, as I want to can peppers, tomatoes, beans, and maybe corn - should the Corn Experiment prove bountiful. Learning how to Not Get Botulism seems pretty important!

My tomatoes are doing well - I'm growing Roma, Gardener's Delight, and Oxheart. I'm endlessly fascinated by how the Roma tomatoes look like they do on the label of the can :) Those are in containers. The other two varieties are trellised and are going nuts!

Gardener's Delight: Tomatoes

Oxheart: Tomatoes

Gardener's Delight Closeup: Tomatoes

Oxheart Closeup: Tomatoes

All the peppers are finally flowering. I'm growing Serrano, Jalapeno, Poblano, Shishito, and Ground Cherries. They are all growing rather well except a couple of the Shishito's in the raised bed seem quite small.

In my Three Sisters Garden, corn is growing fairly well, it seems half of them are 'normal' size and the other half are still half height, so I may have packed it too tight. I'm growing Blue FM1 pole beans, which have just flowered and are doing well, as well as pumpkins, of which two have grown so far, still green.

Corn Boys

In the Squash Garden, I've got crazy vines from my Kubota squash, with 4 or so gourds growing. I planted beans here but they never really took off.

Squash Garden

I also built a 'Wildlife Garden' this year. It's open to the public (animal visitors) and I don't do any pest control here. It's also gone NUTS! I have Blue Hubbard squash growing a mile a minute with 8 gourds on the vine, scarlet runner beans reaching for the sky, some ridiculous sunflowers pushing their way up, chamomile, clover, feverfew, boy it's wild! It's fun to look at.

Wildlife Garden

For salad greens we've had the 'Tower of Power' going for a few months - it was a strawberry planter that I stuck a bunch of transplanted lettuce/chard/kale/mustard plants into. It produced salad for us every couple days, pretty excellent! My wife asked me to start migrating it back to strawberries, so I've started that process. Due to that, I've replanted a bunch more greens to keep us going!

THE TOWER PROVIDES Jumpstarting Strawberries Jumpstarting Strawberries

And speaking of those strawberries, I'm propagating a bunch of strawberry plants (june-bearing) to have more ground cover for next year in addition to the strawberry tower, and I'm hoping my ever-bearing strawberry will put out runners, but it's still fruiting consistently!

I got a small onion harvest (time to figure out how many onions I'd actually need in a year), and plenty of garlic. This was my first year growing onions, and half the garlic was from last years harvest!

I also have numerous other things going - my lemongrass is growing really well:

As is my celery in a pot:

I've been growing marigolds and nasturtiums all over the place. The nasturtiums are great in salad! My cabbage started doing pretty well once I defeated an Aphid Menace that was stunting them.

So, that's my big ole report! What’s growing on with you all?

(Apologies to LallyLuckFarm@beehaw.org if I stepped on your toes, I felt compelled to make a weekly thread!)


Spring is approaching! I've just set up a level 1 greenhouse (plastic tier, I'll have to grind to upgrade to glass and metal....). Regardless, it's exciting! My seedlings are doing well, I can't wait for better weather!

What are you going to grow this year, Beehaw?


cross-posted from: https://orbiting.observer/post/37238

To the Window! To the Wall!


This is a beautiful Lemon Queen sunflower in my backyard. I've planted a whole row, but this one shot up and got an early start, the rest barely have their heads grown.

I'm growing these as part of The Great Sunflower Project, a citizen science effort to track pollinators in the United States. These were chosen for their wide appeal to pollinators, and true to form, there is always at least one sort of insect buddy visiting at any given moment!

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