
joined 1 year ago
[–] 37 points 3 weeks ago

I missed this in the news, then saw link refers to Kronen Zeitung report which is not a great newspaper to cite so thought for sure it cannot be entirely true? But it is! And here another link from Die Presse (google translate works fine here) which tells us it was not a jerk dad who brought his kid to drill holes but an idiot mom.

[–] 2 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Interesting. As women tend to combat vaginal dryness later in life, guidelines like these are especially needed there. Pretty sure you very easily fall into a vicious circle of lubing, ruining cells which produce any remaining lube -> lubing even more. I guess the bottom line is to buy water-based lubes with some sort of an organic "gel" source and avoid propylene glycol/tons of glycerine/detergets (though those are harder to detect by name).

[–] 3 points 2 months ago

This is pretty interesting. I mean I've seen dogs dream vividly and am not quite sure how much I believe all them Babe the Pig-alike movies. :)

But I think the definition of a thought is a problem here. Everything we say (or contemplate of saying or trying to remember) is also a thought which precedes our verbal output. Those thoughts will inevitably be in a language of our preference. And actually in process of learning a new language that is often times the pivotal point - once your thoughts switch to a new language, you know you adapted it.

[–] 26 points 7 months ago (1 children)

It can really depend where you live so I think the first advise is to take it easy on yourself.

  • It is ok to combine ways of transports, say cycle to the first train/bus then load the bike on it/park at the station
  • Start with a sturdier bike, the one which is bigger and more visible in traffic and gives you a better sense of control.
  • don't expect cars to respect you because you cycle or to know what to do around you. Bad drivers are everywhere. Don't try to prove points. Safety is more important than ego.
  • get yourself a good, large backpack. This will be your new back seat
  • Take taxi/uber when needed. I once arrived to a friend's wedding held out of town in a taxi and literally everybody I knew there looked at me as I was either a fool or a millioner. The bill was like 35$. Way cheaper than owning a car.

Lastly, enjoy how good you will feel. Climate protection and all that is great but your body will love you for it and you will feel it. Good luck

[–] 7 points 1 year ago

Not to mention academic/research text where authors are actually forced to pay to publish, only to have the articles end up behind a pay wall of given journal. If the authors want their papers freely available, they have to pay extra fees to the journal (we are talking thousands of dollars scale). Not a cent goes back to the authors or even research funding bodies. Long live Libgen!

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

Yes, yes, you are totally correct - delivery can make all the difference.

But I have to add that my main problem is that I am a scientist and big part of my job is to read immense amount of literature and memorize/connect often obscure terms. So when I read for pleasure (I love my job, but still) what I tend to enjoy the most are character heavy, emotional books with beautiful prose, written by people with deep understanding of life. Quite opposite to the academic literature.

So you are right, yes, this slog issue is not restricted to SF (e.g. I don't read epic fantasy either; GoT and LOTR books I skipped myself as well), but SF in particular is something I really want to dig deeper, as there the ideas challenge my brain and remain lingering far after I finish the piece.

But! - I prefer to do it without being forced into a memory challenge. Because if I start and within the first two pages there are 15 names and 3 planets and lots of traveling (i really damn hate descriptions of pure traveling, like please lets just skip that part) then I lose interest in the main idea and the ideas are what I am after.

So Tldr yes, you are absolutely right, it is also the prose and the delivery, but still no prose or delivery would keep me long motivated or make me deeply enjoy reading work which has too many names or weird, invented terms.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

Never too late for good recommendations! I am happy such a good collection of suggestions was made, not just for me but for everyone. Thanks for contributing!

[–] 3 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I think to really solve this we will need to wait for the kids from this generation to grow up, and those who "figure it out" teach others how to do it, through a (hopefully adapted) educational system or otherwise. Because, to be honest, we don't really know what this is like. We think we do, but we don't, not really.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago

Thanks, especially for summarizing other comments. Also, sorry for my 1000 years of solitude misspell... Marques didn't dream as big as Asimov haha

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

She keeps popping up so I think I really have to check her out. :)

[–] 4 points 1 year ago (3 children)

I haven't. I thought I wasn't really into short stories... Till I discovered Ray Bradbury. Now I am very much into short stories. So will give Asimov a try for sure.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Just finished it a week ago. That prose... From another planet.


Don't really know how to explain this. I like sci fi and would love to dig deeper into it. Am avid reader and enjoyed Project Hail Mary (though set in space, this book is just amazing), Dune, short stories by Ray Bradbury and TV shows like Raised by the Wolves, Westworld, From (love From!). But e.g. Foundation I really disliked. Wheel of time is massive and I lost interest. Even the guide through galaxy I appreciated but was not really into it. Somehow, all those lots of traveling, lots of worlds, lots of many novel/invented names and terms render reading laborious for me.

Can you help me pin what is that I like and perhaps offer me a suggestion where to start? Thanks!

EDIT: thanks everyone for your excellent suggestions! So happy to be a part of lemmy community. I might make a follow up thread in couple of months so we can discuss some of the works. And lastly, if you been reading this far: have a good weekend.

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