
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 11 months ago

Observability is a capability my last employer really fucked up. I would have loved this power.

Trying to figure out wtf is going on with database locks, or celery tasks you can't find in the dashboard, was like blindfold surgery.

Fat chance that team would use elixir, though. Nothing more esoteric than python.

[–] 2 points 11 months ago

Second - I've done lots of diagrams with VSCode and the plugin

[–] 4 points 11 months ago (1 children)

Excellent - I'm about to install it for my aged mother, because windows keeps moving her cheese.

I want something that doesn't change the workflows once she's learned how to do a task, and that local techs can help her with, and that I can VNC to when I have to.

[–] 5 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Peace On Earth is a book by Stanislaw Lem, the author of Solaris.

It is my all-time favourite sci-fi novel.

The premise is that mankind builds autonomous war robots and sends them to the moon to fight proxy wars instead of real wars on earth. But the robots evolve. For reasons unknown, contact with the moon is lost, so humanity sends a astronaut up to see what's going on.

Pure FUD. Worse, it's wilfully stupid.

Are you in the habit of picking pipeline commands at random? Do you not usually have a purpose in mind? OBVIOUSLY the receiving end has to understand what it's receiving, or what the fuck are you even doing?

Do you believe that your text processing commands don't have to understand what they receive?

Let's get the ports of the node container.


docker ps | grep node | cut -n 6 -f ' '


docker-ps | where name -eq 'node' | select ports

First the grep command shits the bed because at some point you started a new container running a nodejs image.

Then the cut command fails because you had a container with a space in the name, so it outputs mounts instead of ports.

That's a non-issue with sematic tools. Semantic tools are also legible. Yeah, I can figure out what that awk command does, but it's meaningless unless I also know the shape of the data is supposed to operate on.

You don't write "USE 2nd DATABASE; SELECT 3rd COLUMN FROM 10th ROW", do you? Why would you want to do that in a shell?

What's wrong with Virtual Desktops on windows? They work perfectly for me.

No argument with your other points.

[–] -3 points 1 year ago (7 children)

My understanding is that the Windows terminal sucks? I don't know why, it just looks bad.

Your understanding is wrong. I've tried 8 different terminals on mac, arch and kubuntu, and I miss Windows Terminal every day. It looks good and the config is a pleasure. I don't expect Linux to look pretty, but MacOS had fucking awful font rendering and it's supposed to be this upmarket OS for moneyed pricks in black turtlenecks. Was everyone in unixland busy doing drugs while Microsoft was implementing anti-aliasing? Is clear legible type for losers?

That's Teams. Slack used to be a CPU hog too, but Teams is a real piece of shit. And occasionally it used to just peg one core at 100% until I killed it.

I'm so glad I quit that company.

[–] 3 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Looks like yellow fingers and grey complexion.

I did not find that at all.

I'm sorry you have that - I didn't. I was quit with no cravings for five years, what got me back in was spliffs with tobacco. (Now I vape, because I do intend to occasionally smoke weed with tobacco.)

The reason you still have cravings is because you never deprogrammed yourself. You still associate gaspers with relief, relaxation, pleasure.

If you can reframe the sensation of smoking as the tense tickly feeling of "god I could use a fag", which no-one would claim to enjoy, the rest is plain sailing, and within a few weeks you'll be past any cravings. The bulk of the cravings are done within a few days.

I don't mean to suggest that it's easy to quit - most people fail. But the trick is not too withstand cravings for the rest of your life, it's too break the paradoxical association of fags with pleasure, which is a one-time thing.

It ain't no joke?

[–] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Long-time pwsh user here. I'd be all-in on nushell if I weren't already getting all those benefits.

This is non-negotiable. When I touch bash - or zsh - I feel like I've visited a banana republic.

TFA says about pwsh: "not all features work on Linux" - be fair, those are system administration features, not shell or language features. They are things you need external utilities for in all shells on Linux. Like, no shit the AppX module doesn't work..!

I do still keep nushell on my radar because pwsh is not the quickest. I'd be happy to use it if pwsh is ever blocked on some machine I need to use.

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