
joined 10 months ago
[–] 1 points 10 months ago

i come from a product background - so new to this space too.

rob walling has some amazing content on this:

couple things we've done for

  • post to directories / communities
  • content (pick 1-2 channels MAX - this is X + LinkedIn for us) - focus on the solution aware and product aware segments of your niche.
  • direct messaging (in a non-annoying way) - this is great for your first few customers / beta users for social proof.
  • and reddit.
[–] 1 points 10 months ago

this sounds awesome! drop a link to it and i'll check it out for sure.

as much as you can though: try not to take idea feedback personally. you'll find:

  • each idea is simply a starting point in the idea maze
  • unless the provider of feedback is an industry expert, it's usually indicates nothing about market demand
  • the market is the only thing that can truly invalidate a need / idea / product
  • even if the idea isn't well received in its current form (and your friends are 'right') - that says nothing about you as a person. just tweak, pivot, and adjust until.

anyhow - keep building! you'll kill it.

[–] 1 points 10 months ago

your best bet is to start with problems. 2 approaches other indies use:

  1. use yourself as a problem source: look for things 'missing' in your day to day life
  2. look for low diff keywords on google using a tool like (<30 KD) and build around that.