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[–] jcrm@kbin.social 16 points 9 months ago (3 children)

Yeah because that's what all the money is going towards. Definitely not the incredible news coverage and investigative journalism. There's also this wild thing called "cultural programming" the CBC does, like highlighting and funding Canadian media and stories.

Fuck all the people like you complaining about them taking your tax dollars. If everyone paid equally for it, their current budget totals ~$3/month for every Canadian. If you wanna bitch about wasted tax dollars, how about we talk about the tens of billions in subsidies going to oil and gas?

[–] jcrm@kbin.social 3 points 9 months ago

Their articles are also extremely dishonest half the time. They seem to ignore any nuance in issues that very much require it to rile people up.

[–] jcrm@kbin.social 14 points 9 months ago

You can think this all you want, but they absolutely are the party of the working class. They constantly push for policies that would benefit the working class and most vulnerable people in the country, and advocate for solutions to issues that would actually change the status quo. Their proposal for electoral reform is the best any party has come up with. They've also been the only party showing up to union rallies and picket lines during strikes.

While the Cons and Liberals have been voting together on a lot of bills, the NDP has been fighting against their neolib garbage. They might not be perfect, but your "they're all the same" garbage only makes sure we stay in the hellish austerity cycle we're stuck in.

[–] jcrm@kbin.social 0 points 11 months ago (2 children)

Sure. Why not.

It's more nuanced than that, but if you're going to reduce it to make your vague pro-Nazi point, then fuck off, yes throw them all in prison.

[–] jcrm@kbin.social 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Okay you keep saying "two liberal parties". The Liberals and the NDP are two different parties for a reason, and want different things. They also are passing things all the time. Don't lump the NDP in as part of the problem, they're the only ones proposing solutions.

Also, I didn't say anything about Trudeau, largely because he isn't the problem in the party. Freeland and the housing minister are the problems. But it's pretty easy to guess at the leanings of anyone who starts yelling "fuck Trudeau" unprompted.

[–] jcrm@kbin.social 1 points 1 year ago (5 children)

Blame the liberals for that. The NDP is proposing very real solutions to housing affordability, and the liberals are ignoring them, and are wasting time on restricting international students instead. (Which, at least in Ontario, will not only do nothing for housing, but severely restrict post-secondary institutions income. Conservatives have made it so that's the only realistic source now.)

[–] jcrm@kbin.social 12 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I'm happy with any amount of money going towards clean energy, but this just really loses all meaning when we're still pumping nearly $5 BILLION into the oil and gas industry every year, just through subsidies. That number goes up to $11B when you add in the funding they are given through less direct sources. Meanwhile those companies constantly turn record profits.

Our country is on fire, and we need to stop pouring fuel on it right goddamn now.

"What about all the workers!"

Use some of that $5B just in subsidies to retrain them in building wind, solar, and nuclear power. Those jobs will be safer for the workers, and don't rely on a rapidly dwindling resource. We have a chance to be a world leader in this, and I'm sick of us squandering it.

[–] jcrm@kbin.social 29 points 1 year ago

Micro mobility isn't the problem, it's the future of sustainable person transportation. The problem is that we're not updating our infrastructure.

They're on the sidewalk because they'll be killed in the car lanes, and those are the only options. We need better bike (and by extension micro mobility) infrastructure. And not just random lanes that don't go anywhere, we need a whole network. Cars get it, so why shouldn't a safer, more efficient, and more environmentally friendly solution?

[–] jcrm@kbin.social 4 points 1 year ago

I think Jacob Geller is the best video essayist out there, he posts a nebula exclusive for all of his videos too.

[–] jcrm@kbin.social 13 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

To who? Because we're still the only country with it fully legalized for recreational use. I fail to see how that's embarrassing at all.

We used to have weird rules on alcohol too, and just like those, cannabis rules have been getting better as time has gone on. You can't expect a world first system to be perfect right out of the gate.

[–] jcrm@kbin.social 13 points 1 year ago

If only we had some kind of organization to protect consumers from harmful corporate practices.

I'm getting so fucking tired of corporations running this country.

[–] jcrm@kbin.social 17 points 1 year ago (8 children)

I'm a huge self checkout fan, but I think we need more perspective on how shitty ours is sometimes. Loblaws and all of them are way behind on how it should work. Look at the Netherlands and how it's often done there, you walk around with a scanner so you can scan as you go and quickly pay at the end.

Or even better, look at how Uniqlo is doing it. It's all RFID, so you just drop your basket on the checkout, and it scans it all for you basically instantly.

The problem isn't self checkout, it's that the grocery stores are using it to purely cut costs and don't actually care if it's better for the consumer in any way. But hey, at least it's easy to "accidentally" not scan something right now.

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