
joined 1 year ago
[–] kat@feddit.de 1 points 10 months ago (1 children)

I'm currently using the binary from their GitHub repository (v1.64.2). The Proton Drive backend was added in 1.64.0.


It seems like when uploading pictures to Proton Drive via rclone instead of the web ui, the pictures' thumbnails never get generated. Has anybody found a way of triggering the thumbnail generation, without re-uploading everything?

[–] kat@feddit.de 12 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Cool, I hope this gets mass adopted, so that I can replace my RSS reader with my Mastodon account.

[–] kat@feddit.de 2 points 1 year ago

but I also think it empowers people like me who have the visual ideas but can use the help making them fully fleshed out

I totally get that. In fact, I feel similar because I often have ideas or concepts for visual art, but then I lack the drawing/painting skill to actually realize them (I try to improve, but I rarely find the time to practice). In that way, AI assistance could be seen as a tool to make expression via art more accessible to the masses (especially since not everybody can afford or has the resources to visit an art school).

I think my conflict comes mainly from the immense respect and admiration I have for people who are able to create powerful, realistic images from scratch (e.g. people like Martina Fačková). Maybe I just need to get used to it, I mean calculators exist and that's not a bad thing, because they make our lives easier.

A lot of our AI woes are reflections of questionable human behavior (racist chat models, AI for war, deepfakes and dishonesty).

I find it very interesting, because it poses the question of how much of this behavior is unintentionally woven into AI assisted images. When you look at artists like Martina Fačková, every little detail in her art is intentional and thereby it is also an expression of herself and her views on the world. But with AI art, while the broader composition and concept is intentional, a lot of the details are generated based on how the model is trained (of course you can decide whether you want to go with it or do another pass, in that sense it's maybe a little bit of self-expression still).

Interestingly, looking at your picture I can see bits and pieces of a war/apocalypse sceneries, e.g. the bird in the sky almost looks like a plane, the ruined buildings in the background (please note that this is not meant as criticism, just an observation). Now that I think of it, I'm also reminded of this captain america movie poster. Maybe the AI had some marvel movie posters in its training data ;-).

[–] kat@feddit.de 3 points 1 year ago (2 children)

I'm a little bit conflicted honestly, because I'm not a fan of the idea of A.I. art, in general. But I also have to admit this result looks really good. Very cool character and perspective! I also like your take with him being a defender/carrying no weapon.

I think maybe it needs some more work in the surroundings, because some of the buildings don't make sense (missing walls e.g. around his shield).

[–] kat@feddit.de 9 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I've been using Gnome for multiple years now and I don't plan on switching. Also love GOA in general for the simplicity and ease of use.


I wish there was a generic WebDAV/caldav account type. I know you can integrate those using evolution, but why the extra steps? It seems like such a no-brainer considering there is already Nextcloud integration in place.

[–] kat@feddit.de 3 points 1 year ago
[–] kat@feddit.de 9 points 1 year ago (2 children)

You can deactivate this text in the settings. I did the same because the German translation has the same issue.

[–] kat@feddit.de 4 points 1 year ago (2 children)

This is exactly how I use it. Basically, if you receive spam on webshop@catata.fish you know exactly who sold/"lost" your address.

One downside is that you cannot send from this address, but you usually don't need that anyway. And in the rare case that you do, you can just create an actual alias.


I am becoming more and more pessimistic about DAD. What do you think?

[–] kat@feddit.de 11 points 1 year ago

Linux ist mostly used for servers, where you rarely need/have a graphical environment. A big part of development is making sure to keep the kernel safe and prevent endangering critical infrastructure.

That said, I agree if Linux is to be adopted more widely as a desktop system, good graphical UI is crucial. It's just not the focus of most Linux devs.

[–] kat@feddit.de 3 points 1 year ago

Fair point, although !baldurs_gate_3@lemmy.world seems to go fairly well, but the fact that it's a recent game is probably helping.

[–] kat@feddit.de 1 points 1 year ago
[–] kat@feddit.de 2 points 1 year ago

I recently bought the Legendary edition, although I already own the first three games, so technically I bought it twice. I mainly did it for the visual upgrades for ME1 and ME2.


Is anybody aware of lemmy communities similar to r/dragonage on reddit?

What makes this subreddit stand out for me is the extensive discussion of the Dragon Age lore. It's is one of the few reasons I go back to reddit from time to time and I would love to find something similar on lemmy.

(I thought about creating a community myself, but I first wanted to make sure, that I haven't missed something that already exists.)


I havn't had the time to test it out myself (yet), but so far this looks promising. There are still some issues, but I assume they will be sorted out eventually.


How far did you proceed and what language did you use?

I think the challenges a great way to learn a new programming language. Though I have to admit I never finished the set myself.

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