
joined 10 months ago

I am thinking about building a Facebook campaign for SignalZen and of course want to be profitable with it. It seems every marketing guru online says they make millions with them. But everybody I actually talk to said they couldn’t get it to work for them.

Are Facebook ads too over-priced to scale with?


I’m a developer by trade and a marketer by necessity. It seems the more marketing channels I research, the more I see people saying this stuff is already out of date or tapped out. Will things like Facebook ads, SEO, content creation still be viable in 2030?

Is there anything I can count for my saas, SignalZen, to stay around that long?


What part of your funnel is responsible for creating the most leads? Trying to figure out how SignalZen stacks up.

  • Sidebar on Blog posts?
  • Lead magnet (including free-trials) on the homepage?
  • Exit popup?
  • Add to cart?
  • Website chat widget like SignalZen or others?
  • Other?
[–] 1 points 10 months ago

100 people, that's a lot. How do you get to such a number?

[–] 1 points 10 months ago

Absolutely agree!


Since 2017 I've been building SignalZen outside my day job. I took 3 months off work to build the MVP and launch it as a free Customer Support Live Chat widget on your website or app.

At first it got a lot of signups. Of course the first thing I learned was that the product needed work. Bug reports were wild.

After a year of improving the product, I decided to charge for the product. Nobody upgraded. It was a disaster. But somehow I felt like there was still opportunity here.

There was this one customer, who time and time again bugged me to add a slack integration so he could answer customer support requests directly from slack.

At first I didn't think much of it. But he was persistent that it would help him and his team answer support requests much faster, save them the pain of having yet another place they're getting important notifications, and collaborate better on supporting their users.

I bought in, built the features, and it changed SignalZen. All the sudden I was differentiated in a good way. Since then I've gotten much more users.

And I can say from personal experience, responding to SignalZen customer support requests from Slack is way easier.

Fast forward to today, the product is in great shape and people come to us for a specific use.

I suppose the lesson is to listen to customer support requests. But more than that, its that the customer support requests that seem odd at first are the most helpful. If they are strange then it's likely your competitors aren't doing it.

Which means you can be different.

I'll keep making SignalZen better by listening to customers (we added responding to requests from MS Teams), and hopefully we can make responding to customer support requests even easier and faster.