
joined 10 months ago
[–] 1 points 10 months ago

I’d be mortified if my kids knocked anything over anywhere.

I would expect to pay more if my kids were a-holes.

I would expect to pay more if my kids needed to me wrangled for photos, not less.

I’ve done mini shoots and promo shoots as a customer with my kids and husband/boyfriends before and expressed to them I expected their BEST BEHAVIOR because these things were going to family and on my walls FOREVER.

It isn’t all on you. But you should have stuff in your contract with your clients. Mine have always said if we missed our appointments our fee was void. If our kids were jerks the fee was void. If we damaged stuff in studio the fee was void. That a limited time slot AND limited number of pictures were being taken and that we would choose X amount of photos from that set, and would choose Y amount to be printed from that set in Z sizes.