
joined 10 months ago
[–] 1 points 10 months ago

Content marketing and audience building is a highly tiring job. I am speaking from personal experience.

I have started working on something which solves this problem for me. I am only targeting twitter right now and using AI to automate some of my tasks. This tool will save me almost 1 hour daily.

If you need I can share the tool with you too.

[–] 1 points 10 months ago (1 children)

Brand building burnout is very common and even I am not different.

I am using my experience in tech to automate the social media mainly Twitter using AI to build brands and get more done in less time.

You should focus on important parts and take frequent breaks.

Brand building is not a sprint but marathon 🀯

[–] 1 points 10 months ago

There are many ways to promote a new business that nobody is actively looking or searching for, besides cold email outreach. Some of them are:

Creating a brand image that stands out and appeals to your target audience.

Using social media to share valuable content, engage with potential customers, and build a community.

Making use of an email marketing strategy that offers incentives, personalization, and segmentation.

Participating in local events, networking with other professionals, and sponsoring causes that align with your values.

[–] 1 points 10 months ago

Success isn't always a binary equation. 🌟

Your journey resonates with many of us. I am working as the fractional CTO, the quiet achiever, the one who've built bridges between dreams and reality. My balance sheets might not scream "millionaire," but my life tells a different story.

600k revenue? That's a symphony of hard work, resilience, and midnight coffee. Your 6-7k salary? It's the steady beat of consistency.

Burnout? Regrets? They're the shadows we dance with, the price of ambition. But look around: health, a good marriage, and not terribleβ€”that's a melody worth celebrating.

So, fellow kinda successful entrepreneurs, let's raise our virtual glasses. πŸ₯‚ Here's to the quiet victories, the fractions that make us whole. πŸš€


Well I have been working quite a while with startups as fractional CTO and software engineer.

So far I have learnt that most of the startups over-commits and under-produce.

Founders think they need more features where as customer doesn't care.

Most of the startups revolves around similar set of features and values(atleast with SAAS business).

  • Copy that bring customer.
  • Customer onboarding.
  • Invoicing.
  • Accommodate b2b.
  • easy off boarding.
  • Core business (evolves with the business).

There is a huge value addition if some or all of those repeated steps can be converted into a product that helps a founder save time and money.

The market is huge and it's highly lucrative if you have any form of technology knowledge or interest to be tech business.

I am planning to do it 😁 and will share my thoughts later as well.

If you want you can leverage it too. As the market is huge there is immense opportunity.

Feel free to ask more in comments.