All one in the same.
If one doesn't support a woman's right to choose, they are taking away her autonomy. The face doesn't matter. It is war.
All one in the same.
If one doesn't support a woman's right to choose, they are taking away her autonomy. The face doesn't matter. It is war.
No /s needed. They've been waging war on women.
They feel this way.
See, you don't understand. /s
Nothing ever matters, and nothing ever happens.
Currently limited to groups chats of 256 participants and group calls of 16 participants
For privacy, freedom, and control, iOS is out. As with Telegram, I advise staying away from the Google variant and highly recommend the Threema Libre implementation for Android. Licenses are not compatible across variants, so stick with the Threema Shop!
The largest criticism levied against Threema:
"While some of the findings presented in the paper may be interesting from a theoretical standpoint, none of them ever had any considerable real-world impact," the post stated. "Most assume extensive and unrealistic prerequisites that would have far greater consequences than the respective finding itself."
Mind your cardboard.
The danger is real.
Love the Wololo.
They're his people.
Are you sure you didn't set low-detail with the viewport cranked way down? I played it on the same model ~~with a math co-processor~~ and it could not handle high-detail and the large viewport in the video.
Edit: I'm fairly certain I had a math co-processor, but I'll defer to you on this detail just in case. That would certainly make a sizeable difference.
Authoritarian Left sounds bad too, but it would nice if they executed the rule of law instead of making excuses to remain politically neutral.