Don't fuck with school computers, it's not your property. If you wanna mess around with Linux, I will literally send you my laptop. Don't get in trouble when it's not necessary, especially because it seems like your reasoning for this whole thing is, "they left a door open", like my cat every time I open the refrigerator. And just like my cat, you will be tossed out.
That's what I figured. Good to see that Stamets got an account though! You know the content will be good with him involved.
Looks like it's too late to sign up, I just tried and it kept telling me to "verify that [I'm] not a robot" without giving me anything (like a captcha) to do so.
Guy wouldn't know majesty if it came up and bit him in the face
Or when a closet jumps out of a person wearing a spooderman mask
On Arch, I use ffmpegthumbnailer to accomplish this.
Kickass Women isn't going to see this comment because this user is from, which has blocked my instance.
Reposted for you, I don't think they've blocked mine
I can't buy it in America.
I am poor.
Yeah, thanks everyone, you're very helpful! I guess I just need to learn this new UI lol
I'm in Texas. I've been cashier in multiple roles, between my entry-level stuff and sometimes having to fill in. I don't know about the laws elsewhere. Every payment system I've ever used had a way that you could split payment, and usually if it was a debit card of any sort, it would just take whatever was left in the account and you'd have a remaining balance, payable any other way. That said, if anyone is ever thinking about getting me a gift card, I just tell them to give me the cash equivalent, it's more useful than cards.
Neat, good to know that there's a mechanism, would there be a way for these statisticians to get this information? Or would it have to be self-reported?
But we do have an excess of Trekkies and Linux nerds!
It's me, I'm the Trekkie Linux nerd.
Wow, that fucking sucks bro. I checked out the instance, and your name (and iconic profile pic) was on the top of whatever they call "All" over there.
If it takes off and you need to create a new name, please keep us informed. Your memes are vital lifeblood to the fediverse, lmao (but seriously everyone here loves you and we wanna keep in touch).