they should all move to Russia, where they will be much more free to say what they like about groomers
there is nothing to memorialize about that ignorant, fascist regime
and they're gonna try to steal it for him again like they did in 2016
you clearly didn't consider the implications of "histories of big malpractice"
it suggests a cover-up for some reason.. the inspector noticed damage to the critical element, but chose to label it as decorative so that maintenance wasn't required.. perhaps the building owner got involved..
he learned that idea when he visited his buddy Kim in North Korea
what else is a small town strip club for, my brothers and sisters
hey, law enforcement is a tough business, there are a lot of grey areas.. it's hard to know when it's okay and when it's not okay to become an asset of an agent of Putin's regime..
lots of studies indicate that PFAS are causing shrinkage in male genitalia and a decrease in male sexual performance
just like Prigozhin, this guy scares the SHIT out of Putin
Republicans continue their government of the trolls, by the trolls, for the trolls
there's a general degradation in the perceived value of things like thoughtfulness and humility.. people think being loud and seeming not to care is the way to be.. it's all very tribal and childish..