That's the thing, the water is boiling, it just isn't hot. You're right that it wouldn't brew tea better than water at the same temperature at sea level though. I wonder how bubbling factors in, if at all.
I've really been enjoying the podcast series Crash Course : The Universe. It's helped me to understand what quantum fields are a little better. It's probably not going inti much depth, but I love the way John Green hosts it, and I'm having a blast!
My bad, I chose the first example video I could find that was less than five minutes long. I previewed it, but without audio since I was at work.
Good bot
I highly recommend timeshift. It makes it easy to make system snapshots (think system restore points) at regular intervals so that if you try something and it breaks your system, you can restore it to a working state. It has saved me hours of work from all of the reinstalls that I didn't have to do. I wish I had something like this when I first started out with Linux. It would have saved me dozens of Linux installs.
Steal the ruckus!
Oooh, this blokes found a beauty! I haven't seen one of those since I used an Eee PC with Debian as my daily driver. It has a whopping 1, I repeat, ONE GIGAbyte of RAM.
Best answer right here, folks.