These are chemicals found in every single human, how can you think they cause insanity? Also environmental stressors play a big role on mental health issues, but what you call "insanity" might be better defined as neurotransmitter imbalance, and it has not a lot to do with sex hormones, but a totally different set of chemicals.
Fallacy means sth in the effect of "cognitive illusion" as in "logical fallacy", not a rhetorical strategy. The difference is the intent of the speaker. A rhetorical strategy can be deceptive, or tactically motivated, a logical fallacy is more like a form of apparent naivete and common paradoxes. When there is intent to deceive and/or win at all costs, there is "prevarication" or "sophistry" instead of "fallacy".
a “put your money where your mouth is” fallacy
Is this a "fallacy" or is it an "angle"? Probably it is little more than straw-man attack, because you know even homeless people need actual homes not just places to crash, and it is also a form of ad hominem attack that typically targets progressive/social change demands (do you really hear that often the opposite, like "if you hate homeless people that much, why don't you support gassing them?"). I don't know if people call those fallacies these days, I tend to see them as tactical conversational attacks. A fallacy is sth you can easily fool yourself with.
we risk being excluded entirely
I misread "being executed entirely".
Oh. Wait.
There is basically one thing that people should prevent fascists from doing, and that is getting hold of the state apparatus. Once the army, police, health, education and social services are under far right control there is no horror we can put past them.
Um... the trend is to criminalize research on climate change if conservatives win in November.
Everyone knows what a witch hunt means. And almost everyone knows how to not feed the troll. It is insane that you succumbed to any idiot suggesting that "witch hunt" would demonize trans students. By the same coin, when Trump talked of his impeachment as "witch hunt", he did not come out as a witch, did he? This is preposterous.
So this is what Vulcanization is? Are you weirdly worked up about this topic?
Like all these people were happily Yugoslavs and somebody fueled the** different nationalisms** in them to break them up? How does this** compare even remotely** to the American situation?
In America you have several states that oppress their own people because they stand fundamentally against constitutional democracy, freedom of religion, abolition of slavery, gender equality, climate science, endocrinology, ...add here whatever the average christofascist hates in order to feel righteous and murderous.
In that they explicitly want to undo modernity and bring society back to the Dark Ages, they are basically the equivalent of the Islamic State in every aspect, except for the flavor of Abrahamic OS they run on their state apparatus.
So instead of telling normal people (leftists, scientists, muslims, gay, trans, intersex) to tolerate those weird freaks, why don't you go preach to oppressed Arab populations to find some common ground with ISIS, and GTFO ?
Some call it Vulcanization, others call it Deprogramming the Trump Cult victims and rehabilitate them into the decent society, if possible.
Aah.. Boomer bait, we get that a lot :s
In general I agree with other responders, in that it is best to let them explain their bigotry. Having said that, and for the record:
If any of the above people are non heteronormative they will face homophobic discrimination either way.
Let alone that these legal transition procedures are wildly imperfect, and it would be unreasonable to assume that a person can as easily transition in law as they imply. In fact it might take years and $$ just to get just the most important paperwork done[^2]. And then what? Do they think that legal name change is like a Permanent Polyjuice Filter that allows you perfectly pass and live as the other gender?? P r e p o s t e r o u s
Besides, why would anyone transition in paper if they are not transgender? This is the most basic comeback. Ask them "Why don't you switch genders then? Grass might be greener on the other side.[^3]" They will probably respond "But I am not trans". "Neither am I", continue, "I just want equality at work, trans rights included".
(Source: Old social studies coursework on transgender issues, but some info might be outdated.)
[^1]: This is not to mean that he might face other types of discrimination in different settings, like reproductive health. [^2]: And don't even ask about non-binary provisions, more often than not they are not any. [^3]:You might also be better looking as a lady than what you look now, lmao, no just kidding don't say that.