Eh, close enough.
Map Enthusiasts
For the map enthused!
post relevant content: interesting, informative, and/or pretty maps
be nice
I was gonna say.
Want to see the map of Asia that most US-Americans could draw.
Nobody’s asking anyone to draw a map from memory. They’re asking a news channel to put in the 5 seconds of googling it takes to procure an accurate map.
Iran | China | Japan
Saudi Arabia | India | Vietnam
Basically China, India and Japan with a Vietnam somewhere but they don’t want to talk about it.
Hey now, North Korea is in there somewhere by Vietnam, too.
China, India, Vietnam, Russia, Australia.
Probably Japan.
Maybe Tibet. Maybe Pakistan. Not sure about Afghanistan.
Australia would include Papua, Vietnam would get the rest of Southeast Asia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Myanmar, you name it. It was a big war, must've been a big place. Who even knows what countries are there? It's like the Balkans of Asia. India would look mostly the same, a bit bigger.
If Pakistan is included it probably would include Afghanistan as Afganistan is definitely in the Middle East and not in Asia, but Pakistan (If they remember it, with the weird border ritual video that became so popular) is so closely associated with India that there's a chance it's included. Maybe India gets Pakistan while Pakistan ends up around Iran.
China gets a lot of Kazakhstan, all of Mongolia and some of Russia. It's possible some random chunk of western China gets the name Tibet. Russia stays mostly the same, whether they or China get the Korean peninsula is a toss-up. There's a decent chance the Russian border just gets moved way north.
Depending on who you ask, Korea might also be included as it's own thing. But it might end up in a weird place like Vladivostok, the Kola peninsula, or some place in China.
There's a decent chance they know most of the main islands of Japan and it ends up looking a little cursed but mostly in the right place. I'm thinking it would either stop short of Hokkaido or seize Sakhalin.
Central Asia doesn't exist.
If you had to condense it for a videogame, this would cover most bases.
Los Santos, Liberty City, Vice City.
And the big empty bit in the middle to hide the loading.
That’s just Red Dead.
I don't get this though. Maps are free online. You don't even have to guess anymore.
Exactly. Maps are free. Joke maps are also free. So instead of paying money, and somebody taking that money and assuring you this is the right thing. You get a free map, that might be a joke, but you don't know it's a joke cuz you don't know the map. And we get some funnies
Where do they take maps from? 9gag? I mean, is free. It can't be any easier.
I mean 9gag stands for 9 Good American Guys right? What better place to get your accurate American maps from?
Honestly not far off
How dare you split Michigan logically!
Can you explain to the non-US citizen the split in Michigan? If you want I can explain the split in Lorraine, France in exchange (^_^)
The state of Michigan exists on both sides of the great lakes (which are effectively freshwater oceans, containing their own maritime economies, marine salvage operations, maritime weather and even famous lost ships) so there's the Michigan mainland which contains major cities like Detroit, Lansing, Ann Arbor and Grand Rapids, but then there's the "upper penninsula" which is heavily wooded and some consider a continuation of the "north woods" of Wisconsin. Map for context:
A bit like a map on how Europe is perceived by Americans, where whole Germany is Bavaria.
As if Americans have any idea what Bavaria is. And if they could even name one city in Germany it certainly wouldn't be anything in the south, it'd be Hamburg, because hamburgers lol
Was this a news report from the future on the signing of the Treaty of 2034 that ended the second US Civil War?
As a Canadian I would cut out part of Texas at the top for “Americans that think they are Canadian”
But it’s pretty accurate
Ok but you need to give us Alberta as Canadians that think they're American
As much as I hate Minnesotans for thinking they are us
I would gladly make that trade
If you had to divide the mainland US into 4 "regions" this is probably the best way to split it.
I like how the New York, Florida, and Texas tristate border still makes my homeland of western Kentucky instantly recognizable by the weird little nubbin that is the Jackson Purchase.
looks about right...
It certainly feels that way sometimes.
This is what those “state vs state battle royale” fantasy war simulators look like after a couple rounds
Where is Gotham and Springfield
I know I don't live in Texas because we still have electricity running here. Florida checks out though!
are they wrong tho
Wait, Alaska is missing!
I mean, only like half
I mean I've seen worse "The US according to foreigners" maps. At least all of those regions contain the states their named for.
Its a map of the lower 4~~8~~ states
This ad brought to you by the bipartisan Canadiasexicans and Texasexicans super pac union for the succession of Sexico
That not how it looks?
I love how jarring the border of what would normally be Nevada is compared to the rest of the borders on this map lmao. Also love how Michigan is split in half between NY and Texas