Lazor Wulf. Two seasons, with a forced change in animation studios between seasons, didn't give the show enough opportunity to grow.
Tuca & Bertie and Firefly as well. Maybe Lower Decks too
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Lazor Wulf. Two seasons, with a forced change in animation studios between seasons, didn't give the show enough opportunity to grow.
Tuca & Bertie and Firefly as well. Maybe Lower Decks too
Threshold really should have gotten more than one season. Unfortunately, I don't think anybody's ever heard of it.
My name is Earl, super disrespectful to end on a cliffhanger after 4 seasons
I wonder how the person who's decision it was to cancel firefly feels about this now. Do you think they were under a lot of pressures because of funding, or they just weren't that into the show, or was there a new show they wanted to divert funding to. Wonder what the story was there.
The Expanse.
I don’t think The Expanse was really cancelled rather than it was ended at a story point that makes sense to continue from sometime in the future. There’s something like a decade long time skip and a huge thematic shift between books 6 and 7.
That last season was disappointing to me
Raised by Wolves
Better Off Ted
Raised by Wolves was very trippy but it felt like they knew where it was going and the acting was fantastic. At least it was as original as it gets.
Limitless. It was just starting to get to the good shit when they cancelled it!
I was also upset by Star Gate Universe's cancellation. I hadn't been a fan of StarGate prior to its release. Seen a couple bits here and there but never just watched the show. After going through SG-1 and Atlantis, I can see why OG fans didn't like Universe. But I still think it was great on its own, as someone who knew nothing about the OG series when I saw it. But, if they do re-explore the same story and ideas, I'd want it to be the same campy shit that SG-1 was, instead of the serious tones Universe had.
In order that I remember them now
Firefly would make the list, if I watched it while it aired. But I didn't see it till later.
All time? Freaks and geeks. Was becoming the quintessential coming of age show, had hard lessons that were from the point of real kids growing up. Each character was relatable in their own way, and should have gone on for years.
Second to that is Arrested Development. And yeah it was rebooted but the cast had moved on. The show was on a great role and was just ahead of its time. The episodic nature of it just wasn't popular then.
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles. I would have loved to see how they planned to resolve that cliffhanger.
I'm still not over Firefly. Or the Orville.
The Orville hasn't been canceled, yet. S04 will enter production this year.
Firefly and Pushing Daisies are staples in these conversations, so I'll throw in a less common one: NCIS LA.
I watched that show for over a decade. It was something predictable and comfortable. The show ending was like losing my favourite hoodie I've had for 14 years. Does it really impact my life? No. Do I miss it nonetheless? Yes.
Raised by wolves. Atheism vs Religion into the stars. It was so good and so much of the buildup was about to come to fruition. GAH!
Santa Clarita Diet and Carnivale. HBO axed Carnivale, Deadwood and Rome back to back, and I still hold a grudge.
Edit: Enterprise and Lower Decks also still sting. Lower Decks is ao fucking brilliant and I hate that no one watches it!
I forgot Carnivale! That was so painful the way it ended mid-story.
Mind hunter, surprised i didn't see it mentioned
Yeah, so good! This was Netflix’s True Detective and they just…dropped it?
I'll never forgive Amazon for cancelling The Tick.
ReBoot. One of the most incredible, ground-breaking shows of its time, but it ends on a cliffhanger. I'm still holding out hope that we'll get a movie to tie up the loose ends someday.
A lot of good answers already. I'll add Santa Clarita Diet. It's a nice little show.
Terminator: The Sara Connor Chronicles
Really, Westworld, but no one had mentioned TSCC yet.
The Glades
Venture Brothers
I was quite upset by The Peripheral recently. And although it didn't release to much fanfare, Constellation.
Teen Titans ended with a cliffhanger and then Cartoon Network put out Teen Titans Go! just to add insult to injury. Certainly the pettiest thing I've been angry about for nearly 20 years.
Better off Ted.
Pushing Daisies.