sounds a lot like ADHD symptoms to me, also have it, just live with it, sometimes i don't even go through a whole song without getting distracted and end up doing something else, don't try to let it bother you and just do what your brain thinks it wants to do
A community for discussion around all topics related to headphones and personal audio.
I'm the same way lol
Find something else to focus on while listening like a simple game without audio
Spend a lot of time with them to help the novelty of the new experience wear off.
I’d suggest finding a comfortable position where you can rest & close your eyes… a lounge chair or just lay on your bed. Helps to have something to block out light too like a washcloth or folded up shirt. Then just relax and experience the music. Keep a volume knob within reach in case a track comes across as too loud or soft. But, the key is just relax. Don’t try to pick apart the track or single out an instrument… just relax.
It sounds ridiculous, but this is genuinely a skill that we’ve started to lose to our phones. So, trying it may be frustrating at first.
Get a fidget toy. It'll help you remain focused. Or unfocused...
this is a ridiculous post
Over time this will bother you less and less. At first when I got my first good headphones (Philips SHP9600) I was like "woah, space!" and "woah, instrument separation" for about a month. You still hear this but your brain won't be distracted as much as you get used to it. I'd say do your best to enjoy music with your new headphones, it will be counterintuitive to downgrade over something like this but if it does come to that I can't blame you.
You'll adjust over time. If you're not doing anything else then the easiest way would be to daydream/procrastinate
Get into vinyl.
It becomes normal, give yourself the opportunity to do that first and after a while you'll start to enjoy the songs again even more. For now your brain is crazy happy cause it goes "new sounds on song you loved before" love it more now.