
joined 1 year ago
[–] 4 points 4 months ago

The circus is the US. The ringmaster is in DC. We all live in the circus, surrounded by clowns and lions, but if you set the tarp on fire, we all burn. We need a new circus.

[–] 9 points 8 months ago

At the same time, this douchebag wants to specifically target kids who are playing pretend to make their miserable lives bearable, just to distract from real issues like trans bills, don't say gay, and governmental corruption.

[–] 15 points 8 months ago (7 children)

Did you know: Puberty blockers cause ZERO harm to children, and to reverse the effects, which will allow puberty to continue its course, just stop the medicine!

This adolescent person that is nearly the age of majority will now have to suffer anxiety, body image issues, potential suicidal and self-harm ideation, and general misery, because the a person decided that what this other person was doing for self care, and to improve their mental health, was wrong. I'm so glad these lawmakers with NO BIAS and MEDICAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL KNOWLEDGE are making laws, that are obviously not for any agenda and hurting nobody in particular, because trans people like me aren't actually real people and shouldn't be allowed to be comfortable in their own body.

[–] 3 points 9 months ago

What do you mean "excuses to permit yourself to date?" Have you just... not have had therapy for your abusive nature? How do you deal with your "idea of having dominance" in public/at work? You wanted to be dominant over girls when you were, like, 4?

In short, what?

[–] 1 points 9 months ago

Today I learned a thing about myself. It's probably why I get so locked down, waiting for some scheduled event. Like if I have a thing at 3 pm, I can't start anything else, cuz I might leave it half done.

Or wanting to start things like a Pathfinder campaign with my kids or game dev. I don't know how to start.

[–] 6 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

If no qualifying religious measure can be used to install a person into office, it stands to reason that religious belief shouldn't come into play.

I would hope our (the US') political system would be aware enough that writing private funding into any religious system would be seen as favoritism and the remaining belief systems would be righteously offended at the lack of consideration, or perhaps even the outright rejection of our beliefs.

This nation was built on immigrants (and the blood of natives, but that isn't what we are discussing) from every walk of life, every religious circle. To disregard others in favor of your own belief SHOULD be political suicide. These elected officials, after all, supposed to be elected to help with the concerns of the WHOLE populous, after all, not just a specific subset.

Playing religious favoritism has a high potential to try to convert the country into a religious state, as funding continues to be funneled into these specific religions, and in turn the churches funnel money back into the candidates as lobbying.

Coming to that point, does anyone who wants to to fund the church with government money which would be better used to take homeless off the streets, feed homeless children, or making people's lives in general, don't have the people's, or even God's best interests at heart?

Do they tithe their first ten percent, as the Bible says? Surely it would be in their tax records as charitable donations? If not, that would make me even more suspect of their intentions.

[–] 20 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) (2 children)

All Debts contracted and Engagements entered into, before the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be as valid against the United States under this Constitution, as under the Confederation.

This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.

The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious Test shall ever be Required as a Qualification To any Office or public Trust under the United States.

Specifically, I like this line here, that was present in the third paragraph I quoted from the Constitution:

no religious Test shall ever be Required as a Qualification To any Office or public Trust under the United States.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't that mean that we specifically don't care if God, Allah, Buddha, or whoever says they are supposed to be in power?

Edit: and since we both want to be dickheads, today, why don't you show me where it says in the Constitution to base our laws around the bible?

[–] 20 points 11 months ago

It isn't even that complex if you are doing basic forms. Literally plug in numbers from a document that gets mailed to you January 15.

These are just private companies that typically fleece you out of a percentage of your income tax return.

My ex made us file taxes using "experts" for 17 years, even though I proved to her I could do it myself, and came up with the same numbers the "experts" did, because "they insure you if something goes wrong"

It's a scam. TurboTax, Jackson Hewitt, it's a scam

[–] 3 points 11 months ago

You're right, that title would have been much less wordy if "United State of America's Internal Revenue Service, the government department responsible for collecting taxes" was added.

[–] 4 points 1 year ago

Good bot. Why don't you sit down and have a byte?

[–] 2 points 1 year ago

Why is that the metric you use, and not the policies they have? Just because plack people are too smart to live in the frigid north doesn't mean the South is a great place to live

Love vs Support (
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by to c/

TW: (perceived?) Transphobia

So. I had a shit day yesterday. Doomscrolling my home page on YouTube and found a short. I commented on the author, cuz he seems like he thinks hes some kind of parasocial psychology expert or something, cuz I thought I could give my perspective on my recent transition journey and be met with intelligent discourse.

All I was met with is some variation of "poor wife" or "you aren't telling the whole story." Then the invasion of the shitheels that have been spouting transphobic nonsense here.

Tried to take a bath today to reset my brain. (I get baths now. It's kinda like meditation for me.) I didn't have any tops I felt comfortable wearing, so I went to the thrift store and found.... Nothing.

"How does this relate to the title?" you find yourself asking. Well, if you remember, I made a post the other day about seeing my mom. About thinking it went well.

I asked today if at some point in the future, she would help me learn makeup and nails and whatever.

I think you're confusing with me loving you and accepting this. I'm not supporting this decision

What The Fuck.

The one other person I thought I could go to for help, other than my ex, and I get rejected, again?

I just feel so isolated. I have no female role models to try to help me be myself, no trusted women in my life. Tried going on nextdoor and introducing myself in a gay group, cuz I wanted to try to be involved with my local LGBT group, and was met with "okay, but are you gay?" Even tho I laid out I was trans in my intro post. I guess it was gay in the guys looking for guys sense, not a homosexual support/ friend network like I thought.

I've got an appointment with my social worker (mental health) on the seventh, but this week has got me so fucked up.

I don't want my kids to help me, and I don't know why. I guess it's just my parental mental block, that I'm supposed to take care of them, not the other way around? I just wanted a woman I love and support to love and support me. To learn from the masters haha. I guess I gotta watch YouTube tutorials and ask strangers for fashion advice I guess? Instead of getting personal care from people I thought cared?


When I talk to myself, sometimes I call myself my dead name, or my gender I don't associate myself with. I am self-aware enough to know I've associated myself as male and [name] for thirty-seven years, but it annoys me I haven't made that connection in my brain somewhere that yes, I'm a girl, my name is Eshe. I feel it in my soul, so why is my brain being such an ass?


She wanted to see me on her lunch break. I was nervous. I warned her I would be in girlmode, and, to be honest, ladies, I don't think I have a boymode any more.

I feel like it went really well. The first thing she did was cry and hug me, telling me I've been through so much. We talked about the subsect of Christians that only have hate. We talked about how I came to this decision. About the kids. About what the next steps forward is. She wanted to really impress on me that she loves me, through and through.

Sometimes, it really is all in your head. Sometimes, I know it isn't. Regardless, you are loved. I wish to formally extend my support and love to whoever needs it. Don't forget, this community, it's for us. We can try to be the support network you need, if you feel like you have no one else to turn to. You all have been so wonderful to me, helping with my questions as I come to terms with myself. Don't be like I used to be, just lurking, afraid to ask. This is our safe space. There are no stupid questions. I love y'all.


Hi, I'm gonna reintroduce myself, first. I went by VirulentAura, and have been kinda active this past week posting, if anyone actually cares. I decided to change it up, cuz I was tired of being down, and, I dunno, I wanted to use my name. Preface aside, please be advised that the content may be troubling to some. It's kinda a vent, but I need to talk to someone. I need to get it off my chest.

She hates me. She says I'm trying to turn her into a lesbian, and she wants to leave me. Honestly, if she isn't into boobs and vagina, and I want boobs and a vagina, that kinda makes a bit of an impasse, ya? But why does she hate me for it? I get she feels like I lied to her, but I've been lying to myself too! I'm throwing seventeen years away because of the "choices" I've made, but she is choosing to leave me?

My son, 16, asked me yesterday why she accepts them, and not me. I told her today, she needs to talk to them, that she can't let her hatred for me stand in the way of our parenting, that they need to be the most important thing on her mind. I was met with an emphatic "leave me the fuck alone," ad verbatim. I want her to succeed. She wants to take the truck and leave, and ask my conservative Christian mother to borrow a vehicle until I get one of my own.

She has been talking about wanting a camper, her own space, to pick up and go wherever she wants. I've offered to try to help, we bunk in different rooms until we get into a position where she can leave and live her best life, and am met with hearty "go fuck yourself."

I feel like I need to open back up Facebook, to do damage control. I haven't had a FB account in years, but I don't know what hate she is spewing to her family, and I don't want them to make my life miserable.

Part of me wishes I never ate from the tree of knowledge. You can't unlearn this mindfuck. It was easier on my psyche to think I was an ugly guy, than a woman who looked like I was an ugly guy.

She said she would never find me attractive, even if I didn't have bottom surgery, even before she decided to leave. I described a hypothetical situation in five years where I would try to initiate, would she be into that? She would consummate the marriage, but no. That's not attractive.

The other day, before all this shit went down, I went to go get me some clothes, and the clothes I want to wear and my body are so mismatched, I couldn't get anything 😭. I tried dying my hair blonde, but my genetics are so fucked up I can't do anything with this super dark hair. I wanted to feel pretty after a shitty day of feeling like I was uninvited to my nephews party on the grounds I'm trans, and arguing with her about weather a penis makes a good spouse. I just wanted her to tell me I'm pretty. I have a pretty soul, apparently, but, no, she can't find me physically attractive.

I'm not gonna be her hag.

I'm not gonna be in a relationship where I'm gonna dress down and try to be as pretty as possible for her, and can't even get a "nice ass." I've always tried to lift her up, through all her own body issues, after three kids, after her becoming so sedentary and gaining sixty pounds, after me being genuinely worried about talking about her health, because I didn't want to hurt her, she can't even lie to me and tell me I'm pretty. I can't live in that.

I want her to be happy. I want us both to be happy. Why doesn't she want me to be happy?

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