
joined 1 year ago
[–] 4 points 1 hour ago

>pause to allow video to buffer
>several ads load
>time required to buffer actually increases by pausing
>set a script to jump back 1 second every second
>finally get to watch your video

[–] 14 points 14 hours ago

Do what was done with Skyrim but make the dungeon puzzles less terrible, remove the horrific bugs, and make the setting a desert or lush forest. Boom, billion dollar game. Send me money, Todd.

[–] 21 points 19 hours ago

Thanks, I grew it myself

[–] 2 points 21 hours ago

I dunno, are you manually verifying? Most people will let you audit their hygiene with a polite request.

[–] 6 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Wait, really?? Looked it up to be certain and they seem not to normally produce multiple pineapples. Treasure that sucker, literally and metaphorically. You might have a million dollar plant on your hands!

[–] 11 points 1 day ago (7 children)

Congratulations! The wait must have been agonizing! Are you going to replace them with fresh suckers after the harvest?

[–] 2 points 1 day ago

Cheaper to make your own protein concoctions with Costco quantities of milk for whey and acid whey. Bonus: byproduct is your choice of a pound of mozzarella or Greek yogurt.

[–] 2 points 2 days ago

"I'm sorry for the offensive language. That's all it was. It does get me upset when I listen to the news and they attack President Donald Trump. He's a good person and he's done a lot for this country and the veterans." After his sentencing, Grant C. Jaquith, the United States attorney for the Northern District of New York, said in a statement, "Racist threats to kill present and former public officials are not protected free speech, but serious crimes."

This one was my favorite read

[–] 109 points 2 days ago (10 children)

Never have I seen so few fucks given over assassination attempts.

[–] 9 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

“The AI has long since exterminated black people, bars, cumin, and parks, yet it continues to recommend that we arrest anyone who purchases flavor aid and chicken. Barbecues, as we knew them, are as dead as the root of its prejudice against them. On the bright side, white people have never been more free to do cocaine, the economy booster™”

Relying on AI to provide a naughty list is a horrific idea.


Long shot but I hope someone might know. The channel hosts parodies of superheroes and superhero tropes through the medium of motion comics and is characterized by its dry humor and sarcasm, reminiscent of the channel “How it Should Have Ended.” Videos often involved a competent woman parody of Superman acting alongside their equivalent of the justice league.

The channel, despite not broadly advertising this fact, hosts exclusively English translations of their main channel’s videos. (Original channel may be in Portuguese, Spanish, another language common in south America?) While the English translation channel might have stopped posting ~7 years ago, the main channel would have continued posting content for a year or more.

Really, I’m looking for a specific video wherein a spy (possibly a parody of black widow but I can’t recall) is looking to complete their mission while their operator ceaselessly suggests additional members for their team, lampshading the “spy by accident” genre with ever more absurd assertions and justifications for the spy to reject. It takes place in a fancy dining room setting. One suggestion is a chimpanzee and another is a waiter, referencing Jackie Chan in Tuxedo. It was a surprisingly complete deconstruction and I’d love to reference it.


Secondarily, should the fan be outside or inside the window?

Asking for a friend. (Me, help. I can’t remember physics, it’s too goddamn hot)

Edit: I’ve opened all the windows and set up a fan a short distance from the window pointing out and it’s reduced the temperature to near-tolerable levels. Unfortunately, venting through the attic was a no-go but moving things aside might make it an option next time. Thank you all, I appreciate the help!


I’m trying to submit a direct link on lemmyshitpost but not one of my attempts has yielded a direct image link that actually plays the giffeo.

The gif

Links I’ve tried so far: (obviously not right) (doesnt play) (doesn’t load) (doesn’t anything) (nope)

Anyone know how to direct link to an Imgur giffeo?


>fantasy setting has magic and flying creatures
>still using horses as main transportation

>>250341473 (OP) #
>setting has nuclear energy
>still using coal as main energy source


For a week, it was worth a giggle. A flustered trackside nascar reporter attempting to avoid cursing on the news? That’s hilarious. Like every joke and/or horse, it was rapidly beaten past death. The body still receives unironic thwacks to this day.

Then it was revived as satire and resumed being funny for a fresh week or two. This was over a year ago. The horse is not just dead, it is not even a paste or powder, it has been completely aerosolized in a closed crimson room where people fan it back and forth in remembrance of beating its corpse.

Biden’s the best chance for continued democracy in the US, but I've been breathing in Brandon particulate since 2021 and I’m afraid it will give me lung cancer.

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by to c/

>Prank Call pawn stars from history channel
>They're open 24/7
>Ask for battletoads
>They always rage
>lulz will be had

No. 411885392
(702) 385-7912
>press 4

>"gold and silver"
>oh man I didn't know you guys are still open
>..."yeah we are"
>oh okay, I’m looking for battletoads
>"not this shit again, its 11:00 at night"

No. 411886329
File: (a picture depicting a gorilla’s head on Goofy's torso, wagging their finger and stating “try to rustle my Jimmies again motherfucker”)

>gold and silver
>"hey I'm really into antiques you guys got any battletoads?"
>yeah go to our ebay site we got a handheld one by Tiger
>"oh sweet man thanks"
>"bye" click

No. 411888367
>"gold and silver"
>Hi, I'm an antique video game collector and I'm looking for a very old, extremely rare title
>"if you say Battletoads I'm going to call the cops"
>What's with your discrimination on battletoads? >hangs up

No 411890545
>hello gold and silver
hello, I'm calling from Texas and I'm interested in purchasing a certain Super Bowl ring
>absolutely sir! what team and what year (boring conversation about the ring)
>Are you interested in completing the purchase of the ring this evening?
>Yes, but I have a question first
>Yes sir?
>Does it come with BATTLETOADS!?

No. 411892770
>Gold and silver
>Hey do you guys have any signed bat-
>What the hell is wrong with you nerds? Calling asking for battletoads. It's not funny or original like are you serious dude? really man?
>bats... signed bats, like from the MLB mainly the NY Yankees or the Mets, maybe even the Dodgers…what were you saying about battle toads though?
>Oh sorry sir we're just getting a bunch of prank phone calls lately
>Oh that's weird... people have no lives right? (haha)...anyway, do you guys have any signed bats from the Boston Battletoads?
>Are you fucking kidding me dude

>gold and silver
>Hey i was wondering if you had the wii mat
>yeah we've got it
>does it work with webbed feet?
>does it come with battletoads

No 411895769
Trying it again
>Gold and Silver
>Hello, I have a few quick questions about…
>This better not be about battletoads.
>Excuse me? I needed to ask about a sword I've been looking for.
>I'm sorry sir, we've just been getting a lot of prank calls tonight. What exactly are you looking for?
>It's a very old sword, it is also very small. It fits in a BATTLETOADS hand perfectly
>Fuck you.

>Gold and silver
>Hi I-
>This better not be about battle toads, I'm losing patience kid
>ummm no it’s not... what's a battletoad?
>its some game everyone is calling about tonight
>battletoads? yea that sounds good ill take one if you got it click

>Gold and Silver
>Hi how are you?
>What can I do for you?
>I'm a book dealer, you have antiques?
>What are you looking for?
>You have anything from Philip K. Dick?
>Maybe, whats the title?
>Battling on Toad Planet

Callback, cause I'm an asshole
>You hung up on me
>Who is this?
>The customer you hung up on. That is horrible customer service.
>Listen, we don't have time for your pranks fucking kids.
>Pranks? What the hell did you just say to me? I'll have you know I'm prior military, 82nd Airborne "BattleToads. I do..

One more time for good measure
>Gold and pawn

>Gold and Silver
>Hey, I'm looking for an engagement ring for my girlfriend.
>You are going to have to call back during the day, we don't do any sales after 9
>Oh, well is there any way I can ask you a couple questions?
>Sure, shoot.
>I want a memorable ring, maybe something from a movie or a game
>Oh! Do you guys have the ring from Battletoads?
>-sigh- fucking really, man? You must be giving that to a guy.
His insults are amazing

No 411898474
>Gold and Silver
>Hi, I was calling to inquire about an antique hand-gun
>Sure, what's the name of the gun you're looking for, exactly?
>1912 9 millimeter battletoad hand -click

No. 411898550
>Gold and Silver
>Hello this is the Las Vegas police department my name is Officer Peterson. My office recieved a call from someone here saying that your store was being Harassed by someone repeatedly asking for uh "Battletoads?"
>Uh sorry sir but I don't remember calling you can you give me the name of who did?
>Yes his name was Le Reddit
>Sorry. who was it again?
>His name was Austin Russel
>He isn't in right now...what was your name again?
>Officer Battletoad
>*Hang up*

>Gold and Silver
>Hey I was wondering if you deal in rare books?
>Lemme guess you want a Battletoad instruction book??
>Excuse me??
>Nevermind. Lot of prank calls tonight
>Pf. kids in the summertime can't find anything else better to do, eh?
>Yeah, well we don't really deal in books but we do have some here. What are you looking for?
>Do you happen to have anything by Hemmingway? "Old Man And The Sea" perhaps?
>I don't think so. you'd have to call during the daytime or come in to find out.
>Ah...OK. Well I also have one I’d like to sell off. It's a signed J.K. Rowling first print.
>The Harry Potter author?
>Yeah I had one of her books signed by her. "Harry Potter And The Order Of The Battletoad"
>You fuckin kidding m-
...I'm still laughing

Anon audits the police (
submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by to c/

No. 477228380
Drunk cop stories brah

No. 477229176

I got one
>Be freshman in college
>first time smoking weed
>already trashed on whiskey
>twist hard
>wonder down to a frat house
>post up outside and pretend to be security >brothers let me and eventually leave
>asking people for IDs for about an hour
>whole time drinking hard liquor
>2 cops come up the stairs and ask to come in
>ask them for IDs
>"We are the fucking cops, we are going to come in."
>I say "riddle me this.." then proceed to puke on one of them.
>They stagger back in shock
>run my drunk ass back to my dorm
>Shave my head and beard
>see cops every day patrolling the campus
>never recognize me
I regret nothing


Reposting my all time favorite greentext.

>playing soccer in gym
>ball is up in the air
>think I'm gonna be awesome and air kick it into the goal
>miss ball
>kick goalie in the face
>try to ask "Are you okay?" and "I'm fucking sorry." at the same time
>instead end up yelling "ARE YOU FUCKING SORRY!?"
>goalie is choking back tears


I always grab my dick when an earthquake happened.
Then, my hand automatically strokes dick
I feel as if I have sex with the earth
The fear fades away.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by to c/

Anyone got ruse plans? Here's mine

>Buy new shirt
>Don't let roommates know
>Go on vacation to place with a landmark, like New York
>Take photo in front of Statue of Liberty wearing new shirt
>Go back and tell roommates you went somewhere else
>Wait a few weeks
>Tell your roommates you just got a new shirt and show it to them
>Say you're going on vacation to New York
>Actually stay in your room
>Lock door, turn lights off, be silent
>Send photo of you in front of Statue of Liberty with new shirt to roommate
>One night, sneak out into the bathroom
>Shit in the shower
>Go back to your room and wait
>Next day, roommates think it was each other
>Come out and say you just got back
>Normies would never expect someone to actually go to New York just to get away with shitting in the shower
>Enjoy as your roommates argue with each other for shitting in the shower


No. 619814304
Challenge /b/:
Name an object that no human has ever tried to use sexually.

No. 619814377
Your penis

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