joined 11 months ago
[–] 1 points 9 months ago

Would be 100% legal in OKC since Oklahoma's age of consent is 16 and they have a 4 year Romeo and Juliet provision (most states have these provisions) which give some leeway if one person is under and the other over since it'd be silly for teenagers to have to break up when one of them hits legal age. California's laws are draconian and frankly stupid in how lacking in nuance they are. By the letter of the law, anyone who has sex with someone under 18 is considered to have committed statutory rape even if that person is also under 18 because only the age of the victim matters. Basically, if two 17 year olds have sex then they're technically both rapists. It doesn't often get prosecuted unless there are other circumstances like a power dynamic (ie. teacher/student) or racist parents finding out that their daughter is dating a black guy. It's ultimately up to the prosecutor to decide if they want to bring charges or not which is crazy in the state where everyone is technically a rapist.

[–] 1 points 9 months ago

If the events happened in Oklahoma (or most other states) then it wouldn't even be illegal because the age of consent is 16 and there's a 4 year Romeo and Juliet provision. It's police in California that are looking into it and in California by the letter of the law anyone who has sex with someone under 18 is considered to have committed statutory rape. Yes, anyone, because only the age of the "victim" matters, so if two 17 year olds have sex then they are technically both rapists. California's laws are frankly stupid and draconian with their complete lack of nuance ("everyone's a rapist" from the state that brought you "everything causes cancer") and leave everything up to prosecutor discretion.

[–] 1 points 9 months ago

Rookie KD anyone? They had him playing SG lol.

[–] 1 points 9 months ago

Did Jokic get caught cheating in a race back home and had to face punishment?

I imagine the headline would be:

#Jokic Caught with PEDs
^^^...for ^^^his ^^^horses

[–] 1 points 10 months ago

The dirt is obvious. There were way more dirty refs than just Donaghy and David Stern killed the investigation because he didn't want the NBA's reputation to tank if the truth came out. Of course, that means that the dirty refs became unfireable even if they were Donaghy's best bro like Foster. And of course everyone is going to say stuff like "but people already complain about the refs all the time" or "everyone knows that the refs are corrupt", but there is a big big difference between a commonly held suspicion and confirmation. For starters, the casual fans don't recognize individual refs and may have occasional complaints about how a game goes, but aren't really familiar with the conspiracies. If there's confirmation? It's in the news, there's congressional hearings, and even the most oblivious casual hears about it. Confirmation would cost the league easily at least $10B. Keeping Foster around is a bad look, but it harms the league a lot less than getting rid of him would.

[–] 1 points 10 months ago

Tbf, while his stats are insane for his 21st season, they are fringe top 10 this season by almost every metric. His numbers would have easily been top 5 10 years ago, but stats have gotten wild and there are a lot of players putting up crazy numbers.

[–] 1 points 11 months ago

My reactions before reading the other responses.

Atlanta - ass
Boston - fine, I guess, if Celtics fans don't mind cosplaying as Bucks fans
Brooklyn - abominable, Nike should be tried at The Hague
Charlotte - not the worst thing the team has going on I suppose
Chicago - could not possibly be more boring
Cleveland - had potential until they chose that font and typesetting
Dallas - they've had worse jerseys, so there's that
Denver - if it weren't for the yellow 5280 you'd be convinced these were camo with how little they stand out
Detroit - I like the concept they were going for, but falls a bit flat
Golden State - whats with the charcoal obsession on these City designs?
Houston - I don't hate it, although it would be better without the offset
Indiana - "graphic design is my passion"
Clippers - just...why?
Lakers - bruh, wtf is this?!
Memphis - looks like a jail cell, which is where the designer should be
Miami - cringe af
Milwaukee - the design is nice, but going 1 for 3 on colors is unacceptable
Minnesota - looks like it got fucked up in the wash, like buying a pre-stained shirt
New Orleans - could pop a bit more, but one of the less offensive designs
New York - "there is a large out-of-focus monster roaming the countryside"
OKC - I know everyone wants OKC to change things up, but this ain't it
Orlando - easily the best design so far, but why so drab?
Philly - just atrocious
Phoenix - doesn't quite hit the mark, but at least it's bold and coordinates well enough among this sea of drab or clashing jerseys
Portland - might not be perfect, but they at least understood the assignment
Sacramento - not bad, although doesn't exactly scream Kings
San Antonio - people have been asking for the old fiesta colors and instead got a clown fiesta
Toronto - a fantastic jersey for the Toronto Thunder
Utah - actually decent
Washington - bypass The Hague, do not collect $200