We will definitely defeat the barbarians, I will return home to the Crimea and take many more beautiful photos on film, and the collection... Well, let it be down their throats.
Due to the Russian attack on my country, I lost not only my photos, but also my collection of film cameras, which were left in Crimea and were stolen. I have only a few films left from the time before 2014, and then only by a coincidence of circumstances.
When I forget my Sekonic at home, I always have the Light Meter Tools app on my Android phone. It has never let me down, but it is paid. I haven't used it in difficult lighting conditions, but it measures simple light well enough to rely on it.
I love photography because I can show other people the world as I see it.
Thank you. I also pray about it every day.
When I stopped taking my camera to family parties, I started being invited less often :-) Which is the best, because I don't really like family gatherings. Although now, when my whole family is under russian occupation in the south of Ukraine, I would be happy to photograph them all. If only because my parents are already in their seventies and I don't know if I will ever see them alive.
Usually, the psyche of people is used to seeing reflexes in the eyes of a round shape - the Sun. Therefore, round ones are more attractive. But you should choose according to the functionality, and not according to the shape of the lamp.
I have a certain style in which I process all my photos. At the moment of shooting, I already know how my shot will look, so I immediately shoot according to my style.
My answer is perfect! I applaud.
It seems to me that you did not make it clear enough that the photos you took will be used in your portfolio. I would edit the initial post on FB and add that the use of photos taken as part of the promotional offer is mandatory. And a special shout out to the Mamiya RB 67 - love this camera.
It has paid features of course, but I use it as a portfolio and just add one photo a day.
I have been taking pictures with such thoughts for 28 years. And only recently I accepted it for myself and just take pictures for my own pleasure.