
joined 10 months ago
[–] 1 points 9 months ago

Hello, I’d love to give you mine for your opinion. Can you DM me?

[–] 1 points 9 months ago

Awesome. So great.

[–] 1 points 9 months ago

Are you personally guaranteeing these loans with your SSN? Using debt to grow is a great strategy but you want your business to be at the point where it can borrow on its own with ONLY your EIN and not taking on the liability personally. That’s what I do for business owners every day.

[–] 1 points 9 months ago (1 children)

You don’t need Amazon for affiliate marketing. There are literally hundreds of thousands of businesses that have affiliate programs. With affiliate marketing, you have to be passionate about what the product or service it is that you’re promoting. Then you can use blogs or landing pages, and since it looks like you’ve already done well with your own ad campaigns, that’s the real expense in the business.

Clickbank is one of the oldest platforms that features affiliate programs including commissions, click thru rates etc…. Or you can see if some of your favorite companies have affiliate programs. Just visit their sites. You would be surprised how many actually do.

I do know that if you’re going to use google ad words you have to use a landing page.

Another way is to pick a topic that you’re very knowledgeable about and write a short how to book on it. Fill the book up with content, but also include affiliate links to things that are related to that topic, and give the book away for free.

[–] 1 points 9 months ago

Cold call. If you don’t have a product, I’m looking for appointment setters. It’s a great way to start. I would pay you $50 per appointment and then an additional $450 for any sale I make from your appointments. You would be calling on business owners and I would do a 30 minute zoom presentation with them. I would typically make the sale at the end of that presentation. Obviously in some cases there’s follow up involved but it’s all the numbers game and the service is top-notch if you want to know more, let me know.

[–] 1 points 9 months ago

So, with people like that, you have to just keep your business to yourself. If I took the advice of the people around me, I would be in the position I’m in today. You have to ignore the advice of people who have not done what you are looking to do. I feel for you because the people you spend the most time with do influence you whether you like it or not. If your 5 closest friends are millionaires, the chances of you being the 6th are very high. Denzel Washington said it best when he was addressing a graduating class at commencement. He said “if you hang around a barbershop long enough sooner or later, you’re going to get a haircut.” Very true.

When I was a sales trainer I would have people come up to me and say, “my wife/husband told me I have 3 months to make this work.” I would tell them, forget the 3 months, I would just quit now because when you look at it like that, you’re already assuming that there will be a problem and you are already blaming the system for what will inevitably fail instead of realizing it’s actually you who will determine that. I would try to seek out like minded people because then you can figure out how to solve problems together. I don’t even tell people what I do anymore. When ask me (when they see my lifestyle and what I drive). I just tell them I do financial stuff. Then I change the subject. If I told them I make just under $1M per year selling Indexed Universal Life policies through the best IMO out there they would think I was speaking a different language because as much as I love them, they are just sheep who will be financial slaves for life working for somebody else and begging for a vacation like a third class citizen.

Also, take action. Don’t wait. All the best!!!

[–] 1 points 9 months ago

Once the business is set up, you want to immediately start the process of building the business’s credit file. This is totally separate and different than your personal credit file. This is the credit file that’s attached to your company’s EIN. Experian business, Equifax business, and Dun & Bradstreet are the three reporting agencies that report for business credit. It takes a good 9 to 12 months for the file to be robust enough to the point where you can obtain business credit lines, loans and lease vehicles all on the business and not have to personally guarantee it with your SSN. It does not matter how old your company is. I’m assuming you have formed an LLC.

[–] 1 points 10 months ago

Do you like to talk to people on the phone?

[–] 1 points 10 months ago

It’s not hard to find advice. It’s hard to actually take action and do something different. Everyone wants advice but very few people are willing to do anything once they get the advice. First of all you have no idea how fortunate you are. You’re only 21!!!! You have something many other don’t and that’s TIIME. And no, you do not have to be born into it. The key to wealth is what you do with money when you get it. Poor and middle class people use it to buy consumable items to make themselves feel like they have money. You’re so young that you can set yourself up for life if you start making the right decisions now.

Wanting to start your own brand is awesome and a great goal so don’t let the people around you influence your goals. Also, a phrase like “drop shipping is dead” can only come from a financially illiterate disgruntled wage earner who never did anything and still wants to give advice. Drop shipping is not a business, it’s just the method that a product is sent to your customer. E-commerce is the business. And anywho who hasn’t been living in a cave for the last 20 years knows people buy online all day every day.

Affiliate marketing is a great way to make money. Do you know why there’s 1 million people on social media right now telling you that they will build your Shopify store for free???? Because they are AFFILIATES of Shopify earning affiliate commissions on the strore they make you!!! That’s their method of earning.

There are so many things you can do. BUT no matter what you choose to do, you MUST put some of your income into something that will bring a return for later in life. It doesn’t even have to be a lot, but something.

Wouldn’t it be nice to pay a small amount per month into something for the next 30 years and then when you’re 50 years old you’re able to have a $10,000 or $20,000 a month income for the rest of your life because of your investment? At your young age you can do that! You have no idea how lucky you are to have the gift of time!!!!! Use it!!!!!

[–] 1 points 10 months ago

Yes are you right affiliate marketing is a great way. Try to find something you really like and can get behind and then use your instagram account to promote your affiliate link. If it’s something that you use yourself that’s the best. Then you can speak from your personal experience, You should also consider a landing page that people can go to and then your affiliate link is on that site. Try to see if a domain name that sounds like what you are promoting or that talks about the problem it solves is available… it’s not very expensive. Try godaddy, network solutions, or many others out there. But you also want to increase your followership. You can do that by cheap advertising.

Happy Thanksgiving 🦃🍁

[–] 1 points 10 months ago (1 children)

It’s been my experience that school is great for socialization and forming lasting relationships. However, If your personal goals are geared towards financial success, school simply doesn’t teach you how to make money. School is the starting point of learning. not the end point. Too many believe it’s the end. Learning never stops. I attended a very expensive private university, and I will tell you that the best part of it was the experience of moving to another city and actually living on my own and doing the things that need to be done as an adult by myself. Also the people who you meet play a big role in that. When you’re going to school with successful people, it changes everything because you start to understand that you can be successful as well. Who you spend time with is so critical. If most of your time is spent with kids from poor families, you’re going to adopt the viewpoint of the poorer class that thinks the only way to make money is to get a job and work for someone else. They don’t see anything else as “real”. Thus they typically end up living paycheck to paycheck.

Everything that I’m doing today to earn money I had to find out on my own and seek out people who we’re also doing it successfully through my own proactive research and sheer ambition because school just doesn’t teach it. I definitely wish I was 25 again.

Finally, my biggest issue with school is the complete failure when it comes to financial literacy. 95% of people who graduate from college don’t even understand what a personal financial statement is or how to read it. People have no idea how credit system works. They have absolutely no idea how insurance works for creating long term wealth. Theh have no idea how to start a business and keep assets safe from personal liability. These are critical things if you want financial freedom.
School is more of a place to go to learn how to be an employee. School punishes failure and mistakes so people end up thinking that making mistakes and failing is bad. Perfect for the obedient employee. However, truly successful people have failed many times and take failing as a learning experience, not a message that they shouldn’t be doing something which is what most believe. Just my 2 cents!

Happy Thanksgiving!

[–] 1 points 10 months ago

I think about this often. First, I wish I read Rich Dad Poor Dad when I was in my 20s. My entire financial life would be accelerated. I would have invested all the earned income I made into passive income much earlier in life. I would NEVER spend my money on liabilities that do not have any ROI. The shift in mindset about $$ is very important I truly wish mine happened in my 20s. :)

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