Gift items. Etsy seems very seasonal for us. If you're not busy in the next month then it may not be the platform for you.
Practical advice - read a book on time management and exercise the 3 Ds (Do, delegate, defer). Don't give out your phone number anymore and set an auto respond on your email explaining that everything will be dealt with in turn.
Philosophical advice - being really busy is good. It sounds like you've built a great business. The pressure you feel right now is a muscle that you exercise and you'll only get better at dealing with it with practice.
You may take a while to accept this answer, but I hope for your own peace that you do consider it. The ability to handle the humiliation you feel depends entirely on how much you give a f*ck about what your family think.
You get to choose that. You wouldn't be an entrepreneur if you thought like everyone else. Lean into it. Make a joke of it. Do whatever you have to do then get cracking on exciting future plans.
You don't expect them to prove anything to you do you?
Good luck!
Email 50%, Google organic 25%, organic socials, meta and TikTok ppc the last 25 combined.
Sms (text) messaging. Genuinely couldn't see a reason why people would pay to send a written message rather than make a phone call. Couldn't have been more wrong.