I know I wasn't there. He said a few minutes changed his life permanently.
You joke, but I litterally know a guy who recently completely lost his hearing from firing his AR without hearing protection.
If you've already shot him, I'd say piss on him.
Not kicking a beehive is not living in fear of bees.
That's what the guy he killed thought.
I love Fury Road. It's a spectacular film. This "sequel" just looks bad. You can tell it's green screened, when the on destination actual vehicles is so much of why Fury Road was great. The acting and writing seem bad. And that's just from the trailer that's supposed to make you want to watch it.
It's should also include the entire switch library.
You ever raked an acre? Or three? Ten?
Thank you, that's what I was thinking the whole read. Why wouldn't they even mention vibroblades.
You don't have to consent to becoming a gay folk hero.
It assumes one only dreams of making money.