curry flops so much on his threes
Ausar seems to play with zero reaction to the whistle.
CP3 is untrustworthy and probably lied about this the same way he flops, fakes, and cheats at every opportunity of the game.
Or maybe CP is just a big choker that complains too much. Maybe Foster is doing the league a great service by keeping that bitch in check.
what she was hoping to get out of this meeting and "gift"
Court side seats are too risky for little kids, babies, fragile old people, and pregnant woman.
It makes more sense if it was the other way around, with the NBA sponsoring the YMCA.
That’ll leave the balls wide open for the notorious CP nut punch.
I hope the team leaves OKC and moves to Vegas. because fuck OKC for stealing it away from Seattle.
Lost the ball, flopped to ground. That’s so Marcus
that was a weak ass attempt tho. Curry tried hitting the backboard without making a real effort to make the shot or avoid the block.
Surprised to see Zion on this list.