
joined 11 months ago
[–] edgeofthecity@alien.top 1 points 10 months ago

It's hard to really talk about it without knowing what you're comparing against.

But I think the soundstage of the HD6XX is reasonable. "Intimate" is a word I'd use. I don't think it feels congested or small, but it isn't spacious either. I think it avoids the negative qualities I personally encounter on headphones or IEMs that have bad staging.

I think a lot of people really enjoy the 6XX for what it offers. But it's not soundstage focused, to be sure.

[–] edgeofthecity@alien.top 1 points 10 months ago

Just got the Ananda Stealth on literally Friday so too early to say but it might be that. Struggling some with the comfort but man it sounds good.

I was trying to avoid immediate comparisons but man switching from the 6XX to the Ananda is not flattering to the Sennheisers in terms of bass definition/extension and soundstage.

[–] edgeofthecity@alien.top 1 points 10 months ago

These are my first IEM purchases since high school! I got 3 or 4 which all died on me within a year (either the left or right side would lose basically all volume - I assume it was a cord issue but none of them had replaceable cords) and I gave up on them after that.

But now pretty much anything decent will have a detachable cord so . . . progress!

I got the Dawn Pro as well.

As for IEMs:

7hz Salnotes Zero

Tangzu Wan'er S.G. (I know the name's origin but I'm sorry - I see it and I think "wanker" and I'm not even British)

Dunu Titan S.

Not technically related since I bought them on AliExpress last week but also picked up the KZ ZST Pro X and the VE Monks.