
joined 1 year ago

Yes I am aware that they're somehow supposed to reduce plastic waste because the cap can't get lost ... unless you cut it off, of course.

Yes I am also aware that there are people with disabilities (shaky hands, weak grip, etc.) who are thankful for these and actually like the design. Good for them, and I mean that in a non-sarcastic way.

But personally, I hate these things with all the "first world problems" rage I can muster and go out of my way to rip / cut / twist them off on every single bottle I buy. I don't like having the bottle cap directly in my face while drinking, or slipping in the way of the flow whenever I just want to pour milk, and on more than one occasion, I've actually cut my finger OR lip on these little sh*ts (not the same type as in the picture, but baldy-made longer "bands" that leave little plastic spikes on the cap and/or band).

No idea whether I should post this in the "unpopular opinion" section instead or if other people think the same, but to me, "mildly infuriating" describes them perfectly.


Found the picture in imgur, but apart from the little watermark, there was nothing about the original creator (like a portfolio or website link).

I think the original source is this here: https://www.myminifactory.com/de/object/3d-print-tauntaun-head-69725

[–] justlookingfordragon@lemmy.world 3 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) (2 children)

big pair of chopsticks to flip deep-frying stuff,

100% this. I have a pair of metal chopsticks that I use exclusively for frying food, especially small, super sticky stuff like nan gua bing. Most wooden ones here (Germany) have some sort of artificial coating and I'm a bit worried about it melting or releasing chemicals when it gets too hot, so I don't want to dunk these into hot oil.


Direct Links:

I was taught the "Weak Standard Grip" ...thanks, I guess? XD

How are y'all holding them?

[–] justlookingfordragon@lemmy.world 0 points 8 months ago (1 children)

I always called it "clutter" tho I don't know whether this is in any way official. De-cluttering an inventory means tossing the useless stuff out or packing it away.


It looks like a cheap, fuzzy Halloween decoration in the most cheesy way possible, as if someone took the model of a regular boring black bat and recolored it in the "classic" Halloween color scheme to make it look "spooky". If I'd encounter such a creature in a videogame or movie, I'd laugh at the absurdity. It looks so fake.

Nope. They're real.

Instead of big swarms, they usually live alone or in family units of three during part of the year—an adult male and a female and their one offspring. The bright and broken coloration of these bats may be a form of camouflage to protect them, as they have been reported to blend in with dried leaves and flowers when they roost. They're insectivores who hunt at night.

Nature, you're weird sometimes.

f I created a community, would I become it’s (lone) moderator automatically?

Yes. But you can also immediatly appoint new mods and/or un-mod yourself if there are other mods present, so it is easy to give a community away when there are other interested users. It's not a permanent thing.

What consequences, requirements and things would I need to keep in mind as a moderator?

Your community needs to be compatible wih the Fediverse Code of Conduct ... but that boils down to "don't be a dick and don't post illegal stuff" which is pretty much just common sense. It's not exactly hard to follow those rules ;)

Apart from that, you can set whatever rules you want. But keep in mind that the Fediverse is still a lot smaller than reddit, so if you are TOO niche / narrow / strict with the rules, you'll have a hard time finding people who want to engage with your community. General, broad-themed communities with easy-to-follow rules have a bigger chance to thrive.

... and a personal little tip: don't slam down the ban hammer at every opportunity. As a mod you are able to ban, silence, remove or otherwise "punish" people for bad behaviour, but that doesn't mean that you have to do that. It's a lot better to give users the benefit of the doubt, explain instead of punish (as they might not be aware that they did something bad in the first place), and give them a reasonable chance to fix their mistakes on their own before taking action. Post removal, bans and the like should be reserved solely for when the user in question is unwilling to cooperate OR did something obviously super shitty (like threatening other users, using slurs, posting illegal stuff etc.)

Is it advisable to copy-paste content from Reddit to kickstart new communities (given that the link source to the original content was added as well when making new posts)?

Well .... as a last resort, yes. Original content or stuff from non-reddit sources is always preferable as it gives users of the Fediverse an incentive to visit communities here instead of going to reddit, but copypasted content is still better than no content at all, so if you can't find interesting / worthwile stuff elsewhere, then copypasting from reddit is okay-ish too.

OC is still way better tho.

"Goodbye" exists because of 15th century chatspeak. It's a highly abbreviated version of "God be with ye"

More and more relevant by every passing day ....


Since it is an optional one ("just" guarding a Stray Bead) you can ignore him and still enjoy the entire story without missing out on anything, but the little completionist in me just HAS to beat him every time.

In the Switch version you can record and replay the clip, then solve the "puzzle" ingame as long as you don't let go of the brush button for the entire time (otherwise it's an automatic fail). The PSII version does not offer this workaround, and after a couple dozen tries I got so impatient that I grabbed an erasable marker and drew the lines between the dots on the TV screen. Still took me three more tries to actually beat him.

I don't doubt that there are some people who didn't have any problems with Blockhead at all, but I'm curious about possible other workarounds. So, how did you do it?

Not hate per se, but my grandpa was very uncomfortable around any kind of "persistent noise", be it too many people talking at once (he usually spent the most part of family reunions in the garage, tinkering with his gadgets), loud machines running for a long time (he'd rather walk a few miles than sit in a car for longer than five minutes) ... or music. Then again he was a German WWII veteran who never went to therapy, so who knows what kind of memories he buried deep down ... he never talked about it.

So ... not exactly "hating all music" in the actual sense but I think he had a good reason to avoid it nonetheless.

Probably a lot more reliable than electronic reminders too. It is super easy to acidentally turn off the alarm you set on your phone / watch / whatever and then immediatly forget why the alarm was set in the first place. But a hangry cat has no snooze button, so that won't be an issue. ;)


I like this approach. "funny meme" aside, I think it is a good way of showing how much a certain language can affect how other people think and feel about a subject. Just read it THAT way and "being neurotypical" suddenly sounds like a disorder that isn't fully compatible with the public, doesn't it?

We live in a world that isn't exactly kind to people on the spectrum. It is loud, flashy, hectic, overwhelming, unrewarding but you're still expected to work like a cog in a machine, despite having fewer and fewer places where you'd actually "fit in" without grinding gears, and whenever there is some sort of public talk about that topic, it always, always sounds like the affected person is the problem and personally responsible for fixing themselves, when a no small part of "not fitting in" is due to society itself. Maybe a change in language is due to remove that stigma.

OR you actually get the chance to talk without interrupting someone else, and then YOU get interrupted by someone who doesn't care, so of course you instinctively shut up to not re-interrupt the other person.

"People don't trust autonomous vehicles for safety, security and privacy concerns, so instead of fixing these issues, let's put some googly eyes on them!" galaxy brain explodes

...seriously tho, which kind of genius exec thought that this was a good idea? Do they think the Uncanny Valley is a spa resort or whatever?

An AI would not have any interest in hoarding wealth, deliberately screwing over others for dumb, petty reasons, would not be able to have addictions, grudges, superstitions and the like ... I would actually prefer an AI running things over what we have at the moment. How much worse could it be?

[–] justlookingfordragon@lemmy.world 58 points 1 year ago (3 children)

the biggest pain in the ass

....that's because they're not meant for that, despite looking... uh ...similar.

Joke aside, that mess sure does look annoying, and it is probably also not easy to replace parts if one of those lines snap or get twisted too much.

Supermarket employee here. We have a "fresh" fish counter selling stuff like whole mackerels and raw salmon fillets and the like.

Each and every one of these has been frozen at least once - this is a mandatory health hazard prevention thing (to kill off parasites etc) and also basically the only food-safe way to transport them in great quantities over long distances without them going bad. They get delivered frozen solid, get thawed behind the scenes and then put on display / on ice for customers to buy. And then they're lying there all day long until someone happens to buy some .... people still treat the pre-packaged fish from the frozen foods aisle as a second choice, even tho those have NOT been lying around half-thawed in the open air for 10 hours straight.

Long story short, "fresh" fish from the counter is less fresh than the frozen stuff, despite customers commonly believing it to be the other way around.


I can't click on it, don't find anything on lemmy.world about it (maybe I'm just not good at searching for this stuff) and it only appears on a single comment I made. I haven't seen it anywhere else yet. What does it mean?

EDIT / update: It is probably just an UI bug of some sort.



Those canines are "primarily used to chew up wood and other tough foods" as per one of the articles, but male adult camels may also use those to bite opponents when fighting with each other for territory / mates.

"Someone once described them as a Sarlacc pit from Star Wars" ... definitely a fitting description.

Here is a video of an angry camels open mounth and unclipped teeth; https://www.youtube.com/shorts/whsdxuAy37Y ... it is VERY ugly tho, view at your own discretion.

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