
joined 11 months ago
[–] lowlifenebula@alien.top 1 points 9 months ago (4 children)

He's another Fitzpatrick.

He's good enough to be on a good team and not super screw up, but he's not putting a team on his back for an entire season.

With luck, the name Minshew will be thrown around positively for another 15 years as he earns a ton of money as a great back up who can come in and help close out some games.

[–] lowlifenebula@alien.top 1 points 10 months ago (1 children)

It is silly to think an anomaly should drastically change the idea that it takes more than a season to see what you have at qb. Stroud is in an incredibly rare group of rookie qbs who did well out of the gate. Any gm thinking that should be the standard, probably shouldn't be a gm.

It is also a misconception that the Texans were some dark pit of despair that Stroud walked into. Absolutely nothing suggested Stroud was going into a horrible situation if you actually followed the Texans and not the media.

Stroud was going into a team with some question marks that had been improving. Our line had been playing better heading into this season, we made smart moves on offense and defense, and we clearly tried to make an environment comfortable for a rookie qb. We didn't just draft a qb and pretend we had all the tools, we actively attempted to make a home for him.

People have short memories of how the NFL works. Your goat of today becomes the has-been of tomorrow rather quickly. Hell, Stroud could never come close to living up to this season and in two years, Levis and Young could be the next Manning-Brady, because it does take more than a season for a rookie qb.

I think a ton of potentially good qbs are never given the chance to grow due to the teams that draft them. Between switching OCs or HCs every year, teams not getting rookies help, and general dysfunction, there's no real chance for some rookies to be able to grow. They are thrown into the fire while management keeps pouring gasoline on the flames.

[–] lowlifenebula@alien.top 1 points 10 months ago

Please report OP for shit posting. They keep doing it

[–] lowlifenebula@alien.top 1 points 10 months ago

Trolls will troll.

Really impossible to take anything remotely seriously when using an incredibly small sample size for a rookie qb and declaring them unable to succeed in the NFL.

[–] lowlifenebula@alien.top 1 points 10 months ago

Can't spell Tennessee Titans without three Ts, Titans Totally Trash?

[–] lowlifenebula@alien.top 1 points 10 months ago

The article basically just speculates why his tree has been poor, but it brings up what should be the obvious answer.

Belichick is perhaps the best game time adjuster and improviser the league will ever see. He sees what a team can do and takes it away.

He is also the gm and has final say over everything. I'd bet most of his former coaches were never given that power, and the ones that were had no clue how to use it ( BoB )

The people yelling " Brady " are just silly. Plenty of coordinators have coached HoF players on teams and went on to be a head coach and do fine despite not having a " Brady. "

[–] lowlifenebula@alien.top 1 points 10 months ago

I think they get forgiven a ton if they win a sb, even if he never scratches the top ten mark. It'll be looked at as a dumb deal, but ultimately that Lombardi in Cleveland would erase any other thoughts.