I see, thank you for an insight
I always thought acid boosts pattern recognition leading to an exaggerated pareidolia much like Deep Dream turning everything into animals and the like
As far as I understand, even if c is different in some circumstances or changes over time it would be hard to measure because everything else is expressed with c
It's like trying to measure if your fingers have grown longer, but doing it with only those fingers as a measure
Then I was probably incorrect, what would be a correct term for isotropic but depends on direction? Because I also meant one-way speed
Thanks for the recap 🙏
Not sure what are those "both" ways, but yeah isotropic or especially anisotropic speed of light would be nice to know for sure
Good point, but that may be some form of contemporary art
Why not both, though?
Reminds me of a method for making three bills out of two by cleverly cutting those and glueing together incomplete but big enough to be accepted bills (the serial numbers on them will be different though)
Especially a ~~reptile~~ elven ass
I wish you were right, but it may be so that things have changed quite a bit in forty years since Nintendo happened. Indie games of huge quality and popularity still happen, but it looks like they take a lot more time and effort