Have a huge extended family. Reached out to as many as I could to offer to pay for the publication of 1 extra "family xmas" card of their family's Xmas cards they were guna send out anyway. The 1 extra card I paid for each had me as a +1 in their family Xmas portrait to send to my mom as a prank. I'm a single 37y/o dude who has never bought a xmas tree much less sent out Xmas cards. Started the adventure in the fall. Traveled to 3 states visiting cousins abroad.
The first card that arrived to my parents made it all worth it. It was one with my closest of age cousin and his new minime addition to the family. So my mom thought it was such a well thought out and loving joke that I visited them and did their xmas card portrait with them. Then the next one came and the next and the next and the next and the next...
I'm not say I batted a thousand but I got a very respectable industry share of the 20 something 1st cousins and 49 total 1st cousins and once removed 1st cousins (kids of my 1st cousins). It made my family's holiday season. My mom was in tears laughing telling our Texas relatives what I did. Between that and the retropie I made for my dad, I'm not guna lie, I fucking killed it this year.