Isn't easier to just... stop buying eggs?
Won't the prices come down if people, you know, stop pushing demand for them?
Seriously not a bad time to consider vegetarianism or veganism.
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Isn't easier to just... stop buying eggs?
Won't the prices come down if people, you know, stop pushing demand for them?
Seriously not a bad time to consider vegetarianism or veganism.
You say that like we don't import a fuck ton of our produce from Mexico.
Everything is about to get way more expensive.
This is why backyard and community gardens are about to get a whole lot more important. A few of us have been trying to convince my job to set one up and I'm hoping tariffs are the push we need to get it done.
Seriously not a bad time to consider vegetarianism or veganism
But eggs are vegetarian. Avoiding meat is easy, but eggs are in a ton of recipes and not all of them work with egg substitutes
There is a great push towards this stuff. Mostly trough the meat industry whos products getting shittier by the day.
A good meal is texture + flavor. As long as you give me the texture and flavor I want I couldn't care less how it is accomplished.
And if I have the choice between 2 products who are equal in texture and flavor, I pick the option that caused less suffering in the world.
It's not even a push. My elderly mother was telling me about her elderly friends who were going on "missions" to find eggs where they spent tons of gas driving around all day just trying to find eggs to buy since they're scarce.
It floored me. I literally said to her "do they not understand if they stop buying them the demand will decrease and so will the price?" She shrugged and agreed that it was really foolish and wasteful.
Some people are just really ingrained in their habits and don't even consider changing things like this in their lives.
Who cares that people are experiencing food insecurity due to egg prices because being vegan just makes us better than them am I right?
I'm sure that if they look really hard in the store there are cheap bags of dried beans that would go a lot further than eggs even before the price increase.
People facing food insecurity due to egg prices increasing are relying too much on one source of nourishment.
It feels disingenuous to approach this topic with the view that the eggs are the problem and people need to just eat fewer eggs.
The problem is the food cost increases and the eggs are just one example. It's called nuance and we've lost our ability to understand it. Stop trying to blame consumers for this when it is driven by profits.
You're right, a single parent working three jobs definitely has the time and energy to change their food preparation habits. Definitely. Eggs being expensive is totally OK and doesn't hurt anyone unless they're both stupid and lazy. You're right.
Fucking twat ...
Vegan is better. Go try and prove me wrong. Try from an ethical standpoint and a economical, and nutritional. Find an angle to argue that plant based diets aren't better for everyone.
Sitting in my chair, understanding that factory farming is propped up with government funding, and raising chickens to lay eggs is a really inefficient way to produce protein. All the space and energy to collect chicken periods and the first step is to throw half the baby chicks in a grinder because they have a dick. I can watch a video of tofu being made and not loose my appetite.
I agree that vegan is better from an ethical standpoint. That doesn't somehow make it OK to celebrate families suddenly having to deal with food insecurity. Have some empathy for people for fucks sake.
oh please, no one is celebrating.
legumes are cheaper and more nutritious than eggs
It is our business though, because when all those omnis come down with the latest zoonotic bird flu they endanger the entire population. And if the population did actually opt for tofu scrambles you just know that the industry would jack up the price of our cheap tofu.
Not to even mention, if you're vegan then factory farming is always your business, ideologically speaking.
Meanwhile, Just Eggs alternative is still eight fucking dollars and climbing.
It’s kinda our business too because people are still forcing birds into confined spaces and making them sick, and being vegan is a stance against that.
I'd even argue that higher prices on eggs would make people cram more birds into the same spaces just to produce more eggs and make more money
i dont really get why people have so much resistance when switching foods. seasons and shortages have existed since people started agriculture and when something becomes scarce, you pivot and eat what youve got. if there was some bizarre soy disease and tofu becomes expensive, im just gonna buy lentils 🤷
You don't have to be vegan to make a tofu scramble.
Uh oh, you've stirred up the armchair nutritionists again! Here to tell us how nutritionally deficient a plant-based diet is!
The issue is that for a lot of poor people, eggs were a great and easy way to get proteins.
Vegan diet is absolutely viable for the vast majority of people. However, the access to quality vegan food to all the population isn't there yet.
Food desert are real and at least eggs were easier to get there than dried beans and rice. And that options is getting out of reach for a lot of people.
Sorry if I'm misunderstanding the problem, but aren't foods like beans and rice which can be ordered in bulk online a good solution for people stuck in food deserts? I would think that anything with a long shelf life would be superior to perishables. (American eggs have to be refrigerated, right?)
It's a multifaceted problem, and you are thinking in terms of people getting the best for their money instead of people being starved and trying to make a dollar last.
Buying in bulk is expensive upfront. If you are squeezing pennies, it is probably not an option for you.
Eggs have different nutrients that beans don't have. One of them being fat for example. If you can't get it from eggs anymore, you need to add that cost as well to your expenses.
People that lives day to day with a squeezed budget have to pivot right now, as in today, to different sources of food. I can afford to phase out expensive food from my diet, but for many people it's the difference between starving or not today. If you already don't have much options, switching on a dime isn't realistic.
You're gonna find beans, soy and rice in a food desert a lot easier than eggs. The food desert I've lived in had at least two of the three in almost every bodega.
"Why don't poor people just buy healthy food at their local bodegas?" - A statement made with incredible privilege and zero self awareness
Then go tell all these people that are hurt by the egg prices going up they are wrong.
But at least they're canning the Consumer Protection Bureau so that contaminated eggs can flood to market, bringing prices down
Hmmm… this might be exactly my take when vegans start to pay more because trump decided to flood the farms that produce a big part of their diet. Or when they realize that Mexico and Canada produce a lot of it as well.
Maybe it’s best not to be a smug asshole about things because things have a way of coming back around….
[...] the farms that produce a big part of their diet.
Those farms produce the majority of your calories as well, btw.
The sad part (and why this meme is way off base) is because odds are prices will go up on all foods because of Trump's insanity.
Keep in mind though, plants are used to feed animals. Everything that increases plant prices will increase animal product prices that much more. Just as oil and gas prices increase all of the above because everything is dependent on fossil fuels still.
Vaccines are made with eggs, it will affect you
Even if eggs go to $24/dozen, then the cost of egg per dose of flu vaccine would be less than a $1. I only get one flu vaccine a year, so still irrelevant. Also alternative methods for flu vaccine exist and are used already.
Not mRNA vaccines (like covid)