The kid goes hard haha, tell him an internet stranger thinks his comics are very cool!
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This rules. Keep it up! Try and keep a schedule!
Read the book: "Understanding Comics" you'll love it.
Hey great job kid! I love the comics and love Lidzer Piguel Spear!
Keep drawing, keep coding/working on the site, and have fun!
For the record, if you want to add a newsletter or RSS feed, I'd totally subscribe!
...i liked it; where'd he become familiar with a vintage telephone within the past thirteen years?..
I like When Hauntings Get Annoying the most. Very relatable!
that totally rules. Tell him that he's doing a GREAT job!!
your kid has reminded me to work more on my website. help me say thanks to him! really looking forward to further developments on the site.
👍 Need that visitors counter like the good old days
There's a private view/hit counter on editing page.
Surprisingly, his page already has over 1000 views! Neocities has a little "discovery" hub, so I'm sure random folks may have seen it while sorting through. Makes me happy to know that it's not just being buried!
Love it! The one with the sun having an eye and the L for left are my favorites hahaha. I bookmarked it so i can see when he uploads more!
As a fart connoisseur, I was VERY excited about the (F) Art Gallery lol
As a fart joke enjoyer I really appreciated that one
Lim says: "Welcome, (f)art enjoyers! Don't do anything to mess up the gallery, please. ....if you are able."
The comic “L” is an absolute banger.
I don’t know how old your kid is but he miiiight be a future furry.
Uhhhhhhh you just got a blog post / "ramble" written about you on the site.. sorry.
I don’t see it! But I assume it is/was not positive.
Edit: Oop, there it is.
I am weapon-less. Also it’s too cold out for parking lots.
Can I come along? I promise to bring popcorn
Lim says: "My cover's been blown!!!!!!"
Well guess who just broke the news to me literally just now?
Bahahaha as a furry who knew when I was about six or seven but didn’t have words for it… respect
I just wanted to hold Tails’ hand
This kid is going places. I feel like I just got transported to 2002.
looks great on mobile! love the under construction page XD
Thank you! I just learned how to code a month ago. Still some things I need to correct, but I'm super glad to hear that it was worth it!
Lim says "Whoa! Slow down, Maurice!"
Ok these are genuinely funny ngl
Please say:
to your kid.
oh no
This entire exchange was peak comedy, tbh. Thank you!
Lim says: "You have such a way with words"
I'm sharing this on the Neocities community
There's a Neocities community???
Uhh… yeah, it's !
feel free to share there if you wish!
We're always looking for fun new sites! Thanks so much for the recommendation!
Those are cute and great! The left-right-L one actually had me chuckle to myself, that's high praise on the internet.
Lim says: "Thank you! That's just plain nice. :)"
your kid is super coooool
It looks so sweet and nostalgic. It reminds me of html sites I wrote with just a notepad around his age, but they didn't have cool comics to show like his does though. Cheers to you for encouraging him (:
I’ve been wanting to get into Neocities!! You can do something similar with GitHub if you’re a tad more technically minded, and make Microsoft host your (presumably radical and queer) art on their dime.
This is beautifully designed. The comics are hilarious and very well made, there is some clear talent there. That kid is gonna have some real impact on people.
My only advice is to maybe throw a "daily/weekly/whatever comic" at the top or bottom of the home page, and clicking it should bring us to the comics page just like hitting the comics button. That'll get some eyes on the actual humor as well as the characters, which will bring more people in
Love it!
Might as well tech your kid how to rent a cheap vps, said up cloudpanel, or any other foss panel (copy and paste one command into the terminal) Then they can have multiple cheap websites (around 5-7$ a month total) with wordpress to play around with. (With a panel its easy to add domains like a.yoursite, b.yoursite, so you can test a bunch)
As a kid I spent a lot of time on wix, geocities, webs, etc. Wish I had started self hosting sooner. It unlocks so many more possibilies. Like host your own minecraft server.
He's still trying figure out if he super-likes coding still enough to invest in it.
I think there's a tons of people who have been doing it for years who also still trying to figure out if they like it or not lol
Just happy he has more avenues to be creative! Hope other kids and teens can figure out stuff like this.
Im excited for kids that are tech inclined these days, sad that smartphones (having a whole mini computer) set us back rather than making everyone more tech inclined. But anyone that gets into it has so much cool shit to do and learn.
This is super cool! I wish I did stuff like this when I was a kid. Tell Lim I like his drawing style and humor. And for the parent: keep this stuff and show it at his wedding.
Lim says: "Thank you so much! You could always do stuff like this right now!"
Ohh, I'm definitely storing these on some usb sticks and saving them for the future. (: