There's no way to learn coding without ever writing a program
There's no way to learn electronics without ever building a cricuit
You won't ever make anything "entrepreneuring" if you don't entrepreneur,
There are like 1000000 things you need to be able to do properly, if you keep waiting until you are confortable with 1 thing before moving on to the next, you can go on for your whole life without ever launching. Most people are stuck there, waiting for whatever misterious things.
When you need to master a thousand things you can't expect in any reasonable way to master all of them before starting. You need to learn the minimum acceptable proficiency at those skills while doing your business and improve skills that are holding you back continuously. You build upon that, you don't master useless skills, you don't master skills that are "useful" but aren't brining any value to you. You certaintly don't spend your most valuable asset : time not bringing any value to you.
bla bla, learning isn't wasted time, bla bla ... Then why aren't phd in economy or business not the most successful people on earth ? because it's worthless to learn/master a skill without any way to use your skills, you'd rather learn the skill "create more opportunities" so that you lack of every other skills is compensated by the "other opportunities"
The most valuable skill of entrepreneurship is either resilience or "opportunity finder", be either staying alive or always finding life. Those are skills that you only learn through practical means. If you have any of those you are probably already a successful entrepreneur.