If you already signed up with a VoIP provider you should call them and ask how long it would take them to port and replace your number with the ported one.
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You can only port it so long as the old service is active. I tend to port before I cancel in case the company gets any ideas or makes it difficult to close my account -- that way if I have to fight them over the bill I still have the number with the new company.
That is to say, if you cancel your old service before completing the port, you are out of luck.
There's also no reason your new service can't port in the number, but you didn't ask about that. Just wanted to mention.
I am with plusnet and moved from fttc to fttp a week ago. This meant I lost my copper line and, having read around,, signed up with Andrews & Arnold to provide voip. I was advised by them to place my A&A order, including port request, on the Wednesday afternoon, in advance of the Friday fttp upgrade. This would lose enough to the upgrade to avoid accidentally terminating the plusnet contract in advance of the fttp upgrade. As it happened, I don't like my existing landline number and instead chose a new number on the Andrews and Arnold website. My understanding is that my old landline can be ported within 30 days of the fttp upgrade, failing which it is lost.
Thanks I am with plusnet as well. The information around all of this is confusing sometimes. I do not know why plusnet do not have a inhouse voip or partner with someone that would make most sense. I ended up delaying my installation anyway to give me more time, thank you for your response.
According to the plusnet forums, it is their parent. BT, who is keen to keep plusnet as a broadband provider only. When I upgraded the plusnet rep suggested vonage but the trust pilot reviews were enough to convince me to go with the plusnet forum recommendation, A&A
Depending on the company port times can take 5 to 10 business days or longer.
The company said 10 working days but could be considerably longer which is pretty vague, thanks for your response
Ya there is some stuff that is out of control. I work for a SNL telco company and we tell our customers anywhere from 7-15 business days.
Reason for this is due to amount of staff, and also if a port gets rejected. Losing carrier can be petty and reject for various reasons. Wrong Adress, account number etc.