I am 100% confident his development is being impossibly hampered by the pistons. Two guys who are only good with the ball, Cade who is good with the ball, and then a bunch of non shooting bigs. There’s no way Cade doesn’t become a superstar on a better managed team. Detroit need a complete redo.
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He's in a shit situation but also seems passive as hell.
yes but like you said his teams sucks. he could excel in a better situation/teeam.
any of those guys would fail in cades position. this was a pretty weak draft, cades definitely disappointed but it’s not like any of those guys seem to be “star of the team” level players either. cades still solid just in a bad position.
I just wanna say i had major Bo Callahan from Draft Day vibes from Cade, Seems ive been right so far.
Using EPM after 20% of the season feels like a weird choice given how much sample size matters for these kind of stats even compared to raw stats. As well as how they're so situation-dependent, as in Cade in Barnes situation would obviously not be putting up half the shots that he's putting up in Detroit given the other talents on the team.
Probably better examined in a year or two when the Pistons have more balanced roster instead of BPA draft picks
lol come on nobody says Suggs is better than Cade
Literally everyone acknowledges that Suggs is a much better defender than Cade, and if Cade is going to be a poor efficiency shooter who isn't playing winning basketball then you would definitely want the player who contributes to winning basketball over him 10 times out of 10
Pistons are bad at development. If Cade was drafted by any other team in the top 5 he' be an all star right now.
Remember when we said “Fade for Cade” for an entire season?
To be fair, his team really sucks.
Jesus Christ, once a narrative gets going it really gets going lol
Looks bad now, but I wouldn’t be surprised to see all 5 in the same all star game at some point
Not sure what stat is this but it sucks. Theres no way Mobley is below those scrubs. Show me TS.
Sct Brn: 55.3%
Suggs: 56.3%
Mobley: 58.1%
Green: 55.8%
Cade: 50.3%