we definitely need a column for the Perna rankings
the best owners are the ones who meddle in the fan experience and don’t meddle in the football operations
Broncos losing Justin Simmons would pretty much put a huge hamper on their resurgence
the Brandon Perna Curse Wheel is coming for your favorite team, be very afraid
spot of the foul and losing the down is penalty enough imo, basically like taking a sack at the spot of the throw
can we stop labeling QBs busts while they are still a fucking rookie?
Blucifer is having his revenge
yeah I know we won but wtf Payton, seems like an obvious blunder there
if the Broncos beat the Lions somehow, I'm convinced we will win the Super Bowl
I would be super happy for the Lions to finally win one, same with the Bills.
only two sith, a master and apprentice, there can be, no less and no more.
John Fox lmao