Define Rich.
It is NOT money, friend!
I have the money plus, I have all I need and all I want. I'm not materialistic, no one knows my bank balance and my preferred wardrobe is shorts (sweats below 50°) and a hoodie.
In 2015, I was within a few minutes of death. That event changed everything for me.
I was given an exercise by my therapist. Yes, I needed a therapist because almost dying fucks up your head. I had define "Rich, Wealth, Family, Friend." Although rich ties closer to money, For me, wealth is probably a better fit for its tie to valuable posessions & assets.
For me, whether it's rich or wealth, I have it through Family, health, relationships, friendship, camraderie, sharing, giving, caring, understanding, living, laughing. For almost 9 years, My greatest hope is that I wake up tomorrow morning.
Don't take part in their toxicity. It exists in my family. My mantra is "I don't do drama"
Keep repeating it until you mentally separate from it and don't participate. Work on improving your communications at home. Talk less and listen more. Walk away from the drama. When/if someone finds the necessity to go off on me, I take a deep breath (it calms me), I let them finish and I have a few "go-to" replies: feel better? Is that all? F-you, F-off, How do you really feel? And Oh, thanks.
P.S. Try these for intro to finance. Investopedia if you learn better by reading or Khan Academy if you learn better by visual and audio.
- Khan Academy Do a search for "investing" and you'll get dozens of free "courses".
OP; I want to correct your statement:
"High ticket sales is what I really want to do but the barrier to entry is much greater. It’s all about who you know, networking and would take time that I don’t have"
It is not about who you know. {I knew no one, nor did my colleagues.}
It is not about networking {I had no network, nor did my colleagues.}
The barrier to entry is not much greater. {It takes knowledge, and consistent, successful results to go from SMB to Midmarket to Large Enterprise. I did it. My colleagues have done it and none of us are anything special.}
My advice is the same as Warren Buffet's:
Invest in yourself! Go to college or go get a sales position or some other job where you can learn the necessary skills and get the necessary experience to move yourself up the ladder a few rungs year. If you're knowledgeable and consistently productive (aka successful), you could be in "high ticket sales" or a leadership position by the age of 25.
At the age of 20, you'll have a higher probability of failure than success because you don't have much real world, business experience. You're at a point where you don't know what you don't know, but you think you do.
Warren Buffett: “You'll have a more rewarding life not only in terms of how much money you make, but how much fun you have out of life; you'll make more friends the more interesting person you are. So go to it, invest in yourself.”
Best of luck.