Anyone who thinks otherwise is an idiot who should have a dunce cap taped to their head.
He DID seem to be moving it around better, it's a bit of a sore topic for him so I never pried, just listened to him when he talked about it. Didn't want to just go "so, is your arm still shit?"
Like it was noticeably not good when he quit, and the last time I saw him he was moving it pretty much as well as the first time I met him.
So I'm guessing him going back out and doing stuff with his hands more is helping a lot.
My wife has mobility issues with one of her arms due to injury, and she gets better mobility the more she does complex things with her hands.
Protip: if you ever get an injury that limits hand/arm movements, take up knitting, tabletop gaming, and/or video games. Moving your hands around small objects to do delicate things can vastly improve your dexterity.
He convinced his doctor to "wait a couple days to inform" him so he could give a few days notice. This was less than a week into his new promotion, too.
Now he spends his days trapping for muskrat (big problem for farmers in the area) and ~~sells the furs for supplemental income because disability pays shit~~ has hobbies.
He seemed to be doing okay last time I spoke to him. Just a little bored when he can't get outside.
Anecdote time, feel free to SKIP
My buddy's humvee got tagged by an rpg during desert storm, everyone inside lived but most were injured. He got away with shrapnel embedded in his arm for most of the next two or three days until it all got removed. Apparently his elbow got it pretty bad.
Fast forward to 98, he's basically lost feeling in two of his fingers except hot/cold and pressure. "it's not service related"
2005, most of his hand is partially numb. "it's not service related"
2013, he has no feeling below the elbow, except sharp pain and extreme hot/cold. "it's not service related"
2015, he has deadeend feeling from his shoulder to his elbow. "it's not service related."
2017, he has difficulty moving his hand now unless he's looking at it. Spatial awareness is gone. Elbow down completely numb. Shoulder down almost completely numb.
2017, two months later, for seemingly no reason. "It's service related. You're on 100% disability. You have 24 hours to quit your job."
Yeah but like.... That's mildly irritating.
Life would never be the same.
It's about equally as effective.
Or just patch the game to fool it into thinking it's connected, and allowing offline play.
I'm sure my off-the-cuff suggestion is in no way difficult to implement! It's probably just a switch somewhere. Check under the stack of papers over there...
I loved the Broadway musical, though I never got to see it in person.
Personally I don't see what the big deal is with the poster. Yeah, it wasn't the same as the original. It seemed fine to me. And yeah, they changed it to match. Also seemed fine to me.
And guess what? The woman being upset that they changed it? Seems fine to me. If my face were essentially Mike Wazowski'd off the cover of something, I'd be a little upset. Maybe not enough to make a public stir, but I'd privately bitch to people for quite some time.
I can definitely see some people considering it a PR nightmare, and do know some people who were pissed about the poster... But I just don't get the same feelings. It's just meh.
I'm sure plenty would say I'm just not an artist/into musical theater/whatever. Maybe that's true.
Now let's have this same conversation if they ever redo Fiddler On The Roof (1971), I'll probably have much stronger opinions since I was in that one multiple times...
It's the same society that just elected a fascist dictator-wannabe. No matter how many intelligent people you know, there's enough to do that.
Maybe warning labels were a mistake...
It's gonna be peak face-eating season during holidays when my parents go to retire during this presidency but find out that they can't because social security doesn't exist anymore, 75% of their paycheck goes to either the military budget or kings tribute tax, and everything has doubled in price.
Trump has said.... for whatever that's worth.
His words are worth their weight in gold!
I've actually been stopped by uniformed officers minutes after spotting the absolute most obvious undercover cop in the world in Ohio.
My crime? I said "Good Morning OFFICER!" really loud as I passed him at the park. There were a lot of people walking around for an art festival and supposedly the local PD got a "tip" it was being used to hide "illegal liberal activities"
Dude was wearing preshly pressed clothing that looks like he literally bought it from Abercrombie that morning. Basically the whole outfit says "I am trying to fit in, this is what we see you people as, look at how hip and cool I am fellow kids" and the haircut was so out of place I literally did a double take.
COPS don't know how to not be cops, even when they're trying their hardest to pretend so they can catch people doing mysterious and vague criminal things.