Remember how every accusation was a confession.
Remember how they wouldn't shut the fuck up about voter fraud, illegals voting, machine tampering.
Notice that suddenly all those problems went away.
People tweeting stuff. We allow tweets from anyone.
Remember how every accusation was a confession.
Remember how they wouldn't shut the fuck up about voter fraud, illegals voting, machine tampering.
Notice that suddenly all those problems went away.
Yeah, I was wondering about this after the last election. The democrats seemed awfully confident there was no fraud... But this is a pretty damning admission.
Jesse Jackson went to Biden and Harris and warned them there was fraud, and a group of computer security experts wrote repeatedly to the Vice President to alert her to the fact that voting systems were breached by Trump allies in 2021 and 2022 and to pleaded with her to seek recounts in key states to ensure election verification.. It's 2004 all over again.
It's 2024 all over again.
Yes, it's DARVO (deny, attack, and reverse victim & offender):
Is he implying there was election interference? Because that's what it sounds like to me
Election interference would conservatively require thousands of people working together in secret. It us extremely unlikely Trump was able to cheat like this.
Trump won because stupid people believed he could or would bring down prices and voted for him more than they voted for Harris.
All / most conspiracies would require that. And if you have like a 10 person friend group, you know that people aren't capable of keeping secrets like that. There's a reason why there were the "loose lips sink ships" posters.
There’s a reason why there were the “loose lips sink ships” posters.
Yeah, the Department of Defense has to hold regular “know your number” meetings, to remind old shits with security clearance that if a hot woman is flirting with you, she’s 100% a spy. Basically, they have to be super blunt and tell all the horny dudes “you’re a fucking 2 out of 10, maybe a 3.5 at best. You look like a potato that is a little too old, and you smell like wet beef and cigarette smoke. If you’re at the bar after work and an early-20’s dime is flirting with you, it’s because she wants something besides sex. Know your number, because the fact that the 10 is even within arms reach should throw up all kinds of red flags.”
And they have to do this specifically because the “send in a hot woman to get him drunk, then act really interested when he says he works for the DoD” strategy is so incredibly effective.
You can do some grand conspiracies as my grandfather knew it was odd that the DoD in WWII wouldn't let him talk about the math he was doing but he figured there had to be some reason (the Manhattan Project) but didn't know what it was for.
Of course he is, and there was. There's a reason bullet ballots were orders of magnitude higher than the previous elections, but only in swing states.
On one hand, I don't think Elon could actually "hack" a voting machine.
On the other, he did basically just pay people to vote for ~~him~~ trump, so maybe he had other, more heavy handed methods...
Have you not been paying attention to this career? Elon Musk doesn't actually do anything but stuff still happens.
Maybe he hacked the machines in the same way he grinded PoE2
Elon is an awesome hacker, he just did an RPC call using visual basic on the mainframe to hack the GUI and get through all 3 firewalls
I heard he reverse engineered the DNS and published a git lull which resulted in a total NVME DDOS of the computational cores.
A month ago or there abouts, someone posted the statistical breakdown of voting in the last election to Reddit. In the swing states (only the swing states) there was a larger than normal number of ballots where the only thing voted on was the presidential election (Ie not senate or local things). He proposed that Elon had used data from his lottery to select people who he thought were in it for the money and wouldn't actually vote and voted on their behalf. He made quite a compelling argument.
I remember reading about that too, but it seems kind of contrived for two reasons.
First of all, we all know it's very easy to lie with statistics. Even if the statistics did seem damning (which is debatable when I read it), that could be from manipulation.
Second, the scheme described would fall apart completely with even a SINGLE recount in ONE swing state. Even just a county wide recount would make the whole house of cards fall apart.
The fact that the current administration has done nothing about this, despite access to some of the best data, analysts, and intelligence in the world, seems to imply that it is most likely not true.
Edit: also the explanation for the hack is that a number of machines were captured and reverse engineered, then replaced only after a wide hack was figured out. If the machine and software are built remotely intelligently, that shouldn't matter at all. You're telling me that a state of the art voting machine, built for maximum security and audit power, isn't built with that in mind? It's possible but very unlikely.
On the last point there is a precedent to not bother when the Supreme Court is stacked against you, and the Supreme Court of 2000 was outright balanced compared to the kook show of today
When George w won Florida under fairly suspect terms in 2000 gore pushed it a bit and probably should’ve pushed it more. The recount was sketch as fuck, the margin was literally like 500 votes for the entire state, it was later found that a bunch of counties never actually did the recount, George’s brother was the governor, his cousin at Fox News made the first call that Florida and the election went to him, just a lot of fuckery all around. And there was a lot more to it than that but that’s the stuff they couldn’t bring up in court for various reasons.
Gore pushed back and went to the Supreme Court with it and lost.
So say there was strong evidence beyond major statistical anomalies. Do you think the stacked court system isn’t going to do everything possible to shoot down anything possible to actually litigating it? The democrats are well aware the only chance they would possibly have is if they literally had the most airtight evidence known to man of fraud, like elon himself admitting fraud with all the receipts to back it up, and even then they’d probably hit some kind of roadblock
Anyway I think what people are referring to is this letter about bullet ballots:
It’s an interesting point that is unverifiable and could only be investigated by the current admin but see above. Given they only have about 5 hours left and frankly trump has been acting as president since he was elected anyway I don’t think it would matter even if the above was moot
Or it's true and they don't want to create the chaos that would ensue from releasing that information and starting a civil war.
Hard to say when things like this exist.
First of all, we all know it's very easy to lie with statistics. Even if the statistics did seem damning (which is debatable when I read it), that could be from manipulation.
Fwiw I recall seeing someone make the same analysis about high numbers of President-only ballots, only they reached a much less conspiratorial conclusion to explain it. I forget what the explanation was, but if multiple different people are analysing the same data in the same way, especially if their explanation is different, it lends credence to the idea that the analysis itself is fair.
That was complete bullshit. The numbers didn't check out. The "only swing state" thing wasn't true and it was pretty easy to verify.
I recall seeing something similar to that but never being able to find anything vetted on it.
Id hate to sound like an election conspiracy theorist but there was a lot of conversation around star link and it being used for the voting machines. Another thing I personally was never able to confirm.
It will be really funny a couple of years from now when the dementia gets really obvious and everyone keeps pretending the emperor has clothes on and isn't rubbing shit on the German PM's face.
Then the worst people on the planet will talk about what an alpha chad move that was.
If there was interference Elon hired someone to do it. That man is an idiot and there's no way he engineered it. If there's interference then there are multiple parties who are aware and the more people you have who know the higher the chance for someone to leak the truth. Fingers crossed?
I doubt there was actual vote-rigging on any serious scale. But it's hilarious that Trump's syphilis-riddled brain thinks that's why he won.
So Musk was involved in something to do with the voting machines?
The issue isn't that musk could have interfered, the issue is that Trump thinks he did and is happy about the possibility that he did.
I loved it when my english teacher gave us a paper to read and it was about how the us couldnt turn into a dictatorship because of "checks and balances". It compared the us to hungary which is funny because in hungary orbán had to be elected before he could change the constitution while trump changed it before he was even elected 💀(i know technically its a reinterpretation but basically the same).
Orban's allies bought up the media that opposed him before the elections. Something like that could never happen in the USA.../s
The checks and balances are in theory dependent on the legislative and judicial branches being independent from the executive, but in practice they really aren’t. A republican house and senate and a conservative majority in the supreme court means the checks and balances by choice won’t be checking and balancing.
I remember someone pointing out that the American constitution was the basis for a lot of other countries that were founded in the 1800s following the Enlightenment.
They all fell into a dictatorship.
I remember my highschool history teacher warned us that all governments eventually become oligarchies.
Well that's cause for investigation of at least the Pennsylvania vote, right?
We can investigate all we want but Trump isn't getting punished. Neither is Musk.
We will coronate our first king today.
Paying people to vote for him isn't a skill with voting machines, but he's close.
Is it me, or does this seem like a deliberate gaffe to rile up the opposition.
send everyone into a tailspin over a worthless fake "gotcha!'
I think you give him too much credit. He just says what comes to his mind.
Musk knows heil Hitler better than anyone, he's been demoing it already
Thanks to everyone who called me a lunatic for suggesting this might have been rigged through ballot stuffing
Americans, especially liberals, have a phobia of calling out mass cheating by authority figures.
It’s like they need law and order so much, they are willing to ignore what is obvious. When a subject is taboo it’s not talked about , not dismissed, not encouraged
If exit polls don’t work in your state, and there is no physical ballot counting. And when tests on precinct numbers show strong suggestion of altering votes and the democrats always always underperform, it’s obviously a new phenomena, totally ok. Let’s just stop predicting elections early based on exit polls!
One such test post election for any state:
Arrange all precincts in the state by population and see if there a curve on the more people there are there, the more percentage of votes a particular candidate gets: if it’s only that candidate and it’s a smooth curve upwards that’s unnatural: California has no such correlation but some other states fail.
One should see a random looking up or down plot, or a straight line, or sorta straight. Not a growth curve. That’s because common tactic world wide to alter computer votes is to ads the extra votes based on precinct size.
Usually each state has easy to get data this way to one’s own source if amusement and the dozens of others who are thinking this might be interesting. Occasionally someone publishes graphs of it to thunderous uncaring.
It’s not the only problem but it’s the easiest way for non computer people to understand there is more to this
I dont know if this is true but the rumor is the data resembles vote switch that putin does with machines
republican morons can be convinced to do anything if you first convince them that a democrat already did it, so it's fair game.
The entire time he was lying about the election being stolen, I wondered about this. Democrats were all "election integrity has never been more secure" but I was like, yeah, sure, all those vote counting machines made by private third party companies couldn't POSSIBLY be tampered with 🙄 (tell that to Bernie Sanders supporters if you want to hear a belly laugh)
drumpf himself voiced that "you won't have to vote again" and "he already has all the votes he needs" in the run-up to election day. musk was literally buying votes in swing states, and now it can be said that all the information he got while running these blatant vote-buying schemes were probably used to cast votes on behalf of people he knew weren't going to vote. This is seen in the fact that in those solid drumpf counties, the down ballot republicans didn't win.
Toward the end of the election cycle, drumpf was phoning it in so hard. Remember when he was at a townhall, took two questions, and then danced on stage for 40 minutes? Remember when his team had to beg him to get back on the campaign trail because he just inexplicably stopped? I optimistically took it for resignation because he faced prison, but it was, in fact, because he already knew the outcome.
Now democrats have put themselves in a mess, because they touted election security like it was some ancient indecipherable machine that couldn't possibly be interfered with, until now??
So the guy that would have gone to prison for attempting to tamper with election results, gets onstage after barely winning an election, and says "gee, my faithful cock holster sure did a great job tampering with these election results."
So now what, immediate impeachment, that then fails? Do we wait till after the midterms to impeach? Or will they tamper with more election results to finally and forever usher in their fascist oligarchy?